One fellow has not delivered Dec. Wheat to LD in Aberdeen..
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Been stung by this so many times.
Lost 11 grain bags waiting for movement.
Oh well covered by the programs anyway
Why aren't we able to charge interest?
The minute we sign it's their grain we take risk of keeping. How about 24% interest like the fertilizer bits like to do? Why not?
Thats BS, next time I buy something I will tell them I will pay them within 90 days of the due date and if not well I will just pay 0.05% interest (storage). We are waiting on a Jan pea contract at Viterra. I am going to write my own terms into the contract. The only trouble with that is they will say no to the contract and 10 other stupid F****rs will say yes sir may I have another. Man are we getting led around by the nose on these stupid one sided contracts.
The OTHER guy always holds all the cards!
Too much supply of grain/oil seeds in the world, lots of sellers, (US), few buyers, grain co's, even fewer RR's, what should, we expect? You get screwed... welcome to free for them enterprise.
And 98% of society which are consumers/or politicians wanting THOSE votes, don't give a f*ck.
Still don't feel better...
Just throwing this out there , but really how many things in this world do u find that is run very well ? Last few years I've been taking notice of business etc that I think could do a lot better at running them , I'm not the smartest cookie on the block but there are a lot of business run poorly. In Brandon they can't even cordanate two lights a block apart so at busy times cars aren't caught in the middle of the street, very simple but it isn't done ,
........90 ****ing days?!?!?!?!?!?!?! What other industry would take that shit? No I haven't experienced anything that bad but if its happening it definitely shouldn't be! It should be up to the buyer to make delivery happen regardless of problems they are encountering.
A lack of planning on their part shouldn't constitute an emergency on our part!
Every once in a while everyone needs to bend a little
...but 90 days is bending tomthe point of "snapping"(figuratively and literally).
Nothing worse than feeling like you've been jerked around by trying to pay as little as possible then they don't take it in a timely fashion.
Let's remember what it feels like when they don't take the grain in a timely fashion when they call for grain when we don't want to deliver (for what ever reason). How many times can you say "no"? We delivered some wheat in some bitterly cold conditions....did I want to?, but we did. I hope they remember. It goes both ways.
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