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Budget 2017

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    Budget 2017

    PST up one percent now on kids clothes restaurant meals snack foods property repairs and insurance premiums

    Stc bus company gone

    Boose up 6 percent

    Cigarettes up .50 pack

    Education tax portion up

    Fuel tax for farmers gone on gas but diesel 80 percent

    Sleep apnoea won't get covered

    Oh well and the NDP will complain that they would do better!

    Yea like Alberta we would be!

    Not that bad

    What does 80 percent on diesel mean?


      School taxes up 5%

      Rural road maintenance funding cut 2mil.

      Rail cars getting sold.

      Shortline rail line maintenance subsidy gone.

      Provincial pastures gone.

      And an idiot finance minister who basically said the only reason all farm inputs aren't taxed is because they didn't want to be first.

      Meanwhile a 3.5% wage drop for government employees and only 500 layoffs half from stc.

      Should have fired 6000 from public service. Cut wages 15%.

      I'm as conservative as they get but this is retarded. Basically taxing the last sort of stable industry in the province to keep up with bloated spending.

      Quit spending then taxes can go down. That's conservatism. Quit constricting business. Quit constricting innovation and for the love of god quit creating beaurocracies.
      Last edited by Klause; Mar 22, 2017, 16:10.


        Yes farmers paying the bulk of the increases..


          Pretty big blow to farmers alright

          Agree with Klause.

          And that stadium and ring road is something we could have done without.


            STC is gone. 250 employees, new buses and how much spent on that big white albatross on Saskatchewan Drive. Now that's what you call planning ahead.


              another deficit budget! $685 million in the red. and that is provided the price of oil is 25% higher this year than last. Oh, potash has to increase as well. But no worries, after all this is the 6th deficit budget in 10 years from Wall so everything is great.

              Also education cuts and library cuts across the board. Lets keep the voters stupid.

              Reward those earning the most with personal and corporate tax cuts and increase the PST so those earning the least will be hurt the most.

              Most interesting was the table on page 69 showing that the net debt of Saskatchewan would increase from $10.643 billion to $12.243 billion this year after accounting for government buildings, pensions etc. Double the debt figure SF3 provided in another post.


                Start phoning your MLA..Line is busy..wonder why?

                Emailed the fool instead..


                  Sell the toilet seat.

                  Sell the bypass to the city ....they congested the city themselves.

                  Get a premium for royalties for being able to operate in a war free country.

                  Kicking the shit out of the farm sector is just stupid.


                    Sitting here in Alberta looking at what is being said about the Saskatchewan budget, I have to be honest can't say that I am impressed. Looks to me like the governments in Alberta, Ottawa and Saskatchewan have all run out of ideas and solutions. More debt, more tax no ideas, very sad.


                      They stuck it to ag pretty hard. Hope they remember when they want me to renew membership or when I get another email asking for money they gouged ag.


                        Well Wall did encourage the past big boom of of our resources pretty hard. We paid for infrastructure that everyone wanted; and now the P3's and maintenance will probably go on for ever.

                        The provincial government just didn't collect the royalties on oil and potash that could easily have been paid when there were gobs of money being made.

                        Perhaps an opportunity fully squandered.

                        Its going to hurt farners and as usual there are few ways to pass the costs along like other industries are set up to do.

                        And the sad part is that were're no where out of the woods yet.

                        On the Federal front did anyone hear a peep about carbon taxes. Sure doesn't look like renewable energy will be correlated with deficits.


                          Kinda glad they axed the gas tax bs. No more fuel rebate form to fill out anymore unless we now have to for diesel

                          The gas tax thing was maybe more important 25 years ago but today, not significant. This will clean up the abuse of the tax free gas used for everything but business

                          Not an extra cost to me at all. Always filled up at pumps for personal use anyway. At least now I can fill up at home all the time.


                            Holy shit, Bad news Wall is sticking it to "His Farmers". even ndp in MB didnt raise taxes on farmers that much. Mind you they did cap our farmland school tax rebate at 5k.

                            If I was a sask farmer I would be pissed these are taxes increases aimed directly at farmers.


                              THey are finally twigging in to the fact that unlike other industries we just cant pick up and move to lower taxed jurisdictions so easily. It will get a lot worse.


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