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marijuana laws changing??

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    marijuana laws changing??

    July 2018 according to news report on Global news (source is 30 time convicted criminal) who seemed keen on getting into the business in a legitimate legal way. How convenient for society...and just what was needed I am sure. Geez.

    Not sure why we are tightening liquor laws in regards to impairment and now introducing a bunch of stoners onto the roads....I already see them out there....driving 80k on a 110k posted road.

    Yes I have passed them on the road coming home late at night...complete danger on the road...not sure how they police it either....


      Bucket, I drive at 80 Kliks sometimes because I just feel like it, not cause I am stoned. Isn't it better than someone trying to run you off the road at 150 kliks, shaking his fist at you. From what I have read, marijuana has the opposite effect of alcohol, whereby MJ encourages you to chill, baby chill!



        I get that but if the cops stopped you .....you could explain it right?

        What happens with the ones that are driving 80k all over the road and the cops stopped them....how do they test for it?


          Originally posted by bucket View Post

          I get that but if the cops stopped you .....you could explain it right?

          What happens with the ones that are driving 80k all over the road and the cops stopped them....how do they test for it?
          Bucket sounds like you need to smoke one. Accidents in Colorodo have decreased, crime decreased, and the big one pharmaceutical use down a staggering amount. Prescription drugs are the number 2 killer in the US. Pot does not even make the list.


            You are probably right....I have become a bit miserable as I age....


              I don't know how they test for MJ, but I have been hearing that MJ impairment is not like booze. From talking to an person who is a puffer, this friend says she is a much more cautious driver after a puff, go figure. I guess we will see in July 2018, but probably not before the next federal election.

              Interesting Read: I was reading an article about a teenage boy with terminal cancer (Deryn Blackwell) that the medical system had given up on and his parents started sneaking him cannabis oil under his tongue. He seems to have been miraculously cured - he is back in school and living a normal teenage life. Doctors are saying we need to get researching the benefits. Just google it if you are interested.


                Police working on roadside tester. Wont hit streets till we have one. Know enough long term stoners old and young.
                Anyone says harmless is nuts, but will say stoners more passive opposite with drunks. Still wouldnt want one operating.
                That why theres piss tests.
                Funny aside. Heard on radio talking about all tax revenue from pot sales and where we gonna spend it all!! "Yippee"!
                What stupid bull shite. Street providers have lower costs. Lower their price to match or beat govt pot.
                Legal growers will be only a few large providers. After regulation, policing, and lower income from burnt teenage brains,
                I'd say breakeven at best.


                  the known benefits of this herb have purposely been scrubbed over by the pharmaceuticals. chinese were using mj for thousands of years. jt will never legalize it. a few paid trips to some tropical paradise will see to that. mention of legalization bought votes and jt thinks it will work again. if by the slim chance it does become legalized the regulatory controls for the commoner will be stifling to give control to the corporations. use it to your own benefit and be quite.


                    It will get legalized here in Canada, if individual States can get it done with all their holy rollers, it will get done here!

                    As for bringing up the point of young people becoming stoners, I'll ask you, have all young people become alcoholics? Legalizing MJ will not effect responsible young people!


                      Drugged up stoners killing innocent drivers and passengers in other vehicles should be the main focus.
                      Without a way to check them on the road this should never be de-criminalized.
                      This does seem very silly since on one hand we treat smoking cigarettes like a serious offence while trying to normalize smoking a drug that will make people less productive. The side effects to this drug seem to have wrecked thousands of people's brains including Maggie Trudeau.........

                      At the end of the day this is another ploy by Justin to turn the channel away from his terrible budget, budget, Islamic legislation, ram new rules through the HOC so he doesn't have to go to work.


                        Like, they're smoking it already man. Have been since when? So they're just worrying about roadside tests now?

                        Possession has been tying up courtrooms in the past, not so much now as small amounts aren't criminal. But, grass is still a cash cow for gangs. So why not legalize and get some tax revenue. Why not put it on the same footing as crop insurance in SK and get some tax.

                        The Conservatives would be wise to support this and take the wind out of Justin's sails. Just think, if it passes, a lot of people that voted for Justin won't emerge from their basements to make it to the polling booth next time.

                        Oh, and buy shares in Frito Lay. Dorritos demand about to explode.


                          In the local paper last week there were the results of a voluntary roadside test for drugs and alcohol. 1230 participants, 124 tested positive for drugs and 28 for alcohol. Of the roughly 10% showing positive for drugs 53% were cannabis, 31% cocaine, 12% opioids etc.


                            Some thing I have always wondered.

                            How do they know if a person buys Trudeau gov regulated stuff or home grown. Nice package versa baggies so when the stoner for medical reasons gets stopped the cop sees bag from truedeu but it's really farm grown product.

                            Is it GMO or trademarked. Just saying.

                            Yea a total criminal record is idiotic I hav buddies from their high school days did shit and still can't go to USA.


                              G-Farmer survey likely quite accurate. At least every 10th vehicle you meet...always be ready to take evasive maneuvers.


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