Well since we are in the countdown to plant 17 with for us roughly 30-35 days till the drills roll i thought it was time to drop the winter travel tips and get back to farming.
So the land change and checker games continue. Yes Redlands is all gone and yes most paid the piper for the land. So the Ontario Teachers Pension fund is so happy again and one local and the rest will divide it up.
Good luck to all with your new rented land. Most were either 30 quarters but the smallest was 4.
We have been looking long and hard for three extra as our New Saskatchewanian from Alberta is going to be farming his three quarters. We had option to purchase and turned it down. Good on the young guy relocating and good luck.
Funny thing to get all in one block or a ten mile circle is getting tougher to do. Yes we could travel further away even farm some i own 50KM away but why. So if the three appear before spring great but if they don't wont change much in our plan for 2017.
So basically the next thing for spring is happening right now. Guys are cleaning seed. But the funny thing is guys are cleaning just about everything. We have cleaned peas, oats, barley, durum, and spring wheat. With all our RR canola and Liberty delivered. Most are saying the same thing. Have it all ready to go and switch the cereals out. So it could be oats, barley, wheat or durum.
Cps red is taking it on the chin. AC Brandon is the wheat of choice by most in 2017. Direct seeded Canola is going up big time. Lentils are non existent in our area again and peas guys are worried but will seed.
Few new drills will be in the area, most are the Bourg Mud masters like the above picture.
Deere brought out the new 4 track and yes a few will be driving in fields near us. We stuck with wheel but changed tires and stance and weights.
Only one a few fields weren't harvested last fall and the wheat is standing relatively nice. I would of took on a cool frozen morning and dried but guy is waiting till may.
Snow is almost gone except the trees and fence lines. Surprise we have a run off with min snow and yes the sloughs are full. No frost out yet so will they drop or is it full to the brim.
Lots of flax has to be burnt and fields harrowed this spring since most were still harvesting late into november to get much fall work done.
Big news this spring is ANHYDROUS Stabilizer time will tell as deal is just finished. Will have some one working with us on field inspections and final yield maps in Harvest to see if it pays in Mud conditions.
So On politics Brad has lost some ground in the rural but most look at the alternative and think if times get better maybe the insurance tax will be dropped. The true opposition guys that switched are easy to see after the budget.
So yes costs are up on Some stuff. Wheat planting will be down. Oats up and Soy up Canola will be flat for our area as every one has witnessed canola canola canola from some guys and seen the long term results.
Seeding intentions next week.
Be safe out their as we get prepared for Plant 17. Because its just a crop and the ones at home are way more important.