confused as always so what are green areas on shaded map?
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mallee.... the green shaded area to the north-north east is called the Canadian Shield....large areas of exposed bedrock and lakes and forest covering it. Maybe some arctic tundra in the furthest reaches crossing into the Territories(????). The south west green strip is the Rocky Mountains. Canada has a very diverse landscape.Last edited by farmaholic; Apr 5, 2017, 07:10.
presuming black is the best country or in theory.
stayed near Strasbourg alcurve llyod cochin cant remember soil types.
diverse soil and climate from reading on here
Farma forgot to mention the muskeg!
Dont forget mallee, latitude makes big differences for black zone.
Also, with glaciation, you get what it left you. Variability in parent soils and topography.
If I have it right, color function of rainfall ie organic matter build up types since last glacier.
All in the last 10,000 years.
Here, we have roughly 100' of glacial till comprised of various clay mixes and small granite rocks. Over a bedrock of sandstones, shales, mudstones, coal etc.
The black soil zone can mean anything. We are on the edge with some dark brown on our west most dirt.
Black can be sand pure clay clay loam or something in between. It's black because of higher decomposed organic matter typically all of the black soil zone was covered in trees or shrubbery at one point (or in southern Manitoba it was under a huge glacial lake called lake agassiz)
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