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Harvesting in spring

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    Ah farming is so rough. I m so wet maybe should pack it in. Acres and acres left to go........... wait a minute here's the countdown ok we re done. Record yields. Man I can't take this stress. Railroads grain cos Ndp screwed me for decades while I was a civil servant looking at all the farmers I served that were getting screwed but I had the inside track to buy them out for cheap with my civil job. Now I m rich. Civil servants should all be fired. It s so dry we ll never get a crop that's why I m leaving for months to Maui.
    Ah farming.

    I love you Brad. You've done so much. Here's the list. You ve done for farmers.
    3. You re not Ndp
    4. You can operate Canada if oil was 140
    5. You hate carbon tax but you spent s billion on a carbon sequestration that I love paying that tax for.
    6. I love education tax on farm land
    7. Taxes on fuel
    8. I love you Brad
    9. You're not Ndp
    10 . It's so wet good thing you cut out the ag programs and too wet to seed is double the cost in Sask than the other
    11. Ah fArming I love double the premium for crop insurance.
    12 I could go non and on about all the good things you ve done for agriculture it's. Amazing.


      God your a jealous prick aren't you.

      Oh sorry a Useless one.

      Any way its a crop report of whats happening in our area.


        What's there to be jealous of?
        Farm nearly 3 times what you do but maybe that's a reason. Lol

        But must have hit a nerve. Hahahahaha

        Since you always narrow things down to being Ndp fault and liberals fault where is your list of positives your hero idol GOD brad has actually done for farmer s?

        For oil workers he is the idol hero GOD but what has he done for the rest of us?


          So you farm 30000 acres and out of them you own clear title to 19200 acres my boy good on you. Must be a real special person in your neck of the woods. But that if its true well done. You are a real Big Wheel.

          Yes brad has a plan vs the idiot in Alberta or what we use to have here.

          No nerve hit.


            Hahahaha well finally you've spelled out this plan but could you be slightly more specific than repeating over and over there is a plan. Lmao!!!
            Because if you mean having us rural people pay for oil profits taken out of the province and us holding the bag of costs yep that's the plan. Hell we probably bought those shares for the king.


              You know the plan. We are going to be paying more. I for one hate paying more but know that if things turn around the tax on my insurance probably will be gone and and provincial sales tax will be dropped back.
              But under the NDP we all know once a tax is their they keep it.

              Yes I would also like to see more out of the oil but hey if our guys are working and drilling and spending money here you get more tax dollars and actually get the deficit under control.

              yes way more cost cutting should of happened in the civil service. Just at the DR and yea lots walking around doing sweet F#$K all paper pushers.

              So yes big wheel thats a plan.

              Or we could do like your hero in Alberta nut job and take the province to 70 plus billion in debt cause thats alright or like JT and take us to what a trillion. Just yesterday another 840 million to help Syria. Really how about helping canadians.

              So probably you sound more like a renter and don't own your 19200 acres.

              Have a great day. your still a flat tire.
              Last edited by SASKFARMER3; Apr 6, 2017, 14:34.


                Lmao it's getting to you isn't it? But not smart enough or too much of an ass to admit when wrong is wrong.

                That's truly an amazing plan. What a vision, wait for it ........... we ll reduce your pst and taxes as soon as oil goes up. Hahahahahaha wow such an agricultural visionary.

                Last time oil went up we in the farm sector paid the cost of it then and we really asked to pay for it now. Can't wait for the boom.


                  Yea your really getting to me.

                  The sask party did take up the pst and did drop it. So yes if oil and gas go up it will go down.

                  Again what did roy do for you and uncle Allan.

                  Answer my comment on land ownership if your such a big time operator.

                  Like you spout you should own 19200 acres if you actually do farm three times bigger than i am.

                  I think its a little fish in a big pond.

                  But farm size means sweet fDKf all its a plan of some kind vs Borrow till were broke. Alberta, Ontario and any insane other liberal socialist province.

                  Now thats a plan i guess for some.


                    What day of the week you want to get bought out?


                      Any time.

                      But answer me this if your farm is like ours then by simple math according to three times the size you should own already 19200 acres.

                      Please tell us were all interested.


                        Give me land locations and price!!


                          Your a phoney you can't tell me that if you really are a Big wheel you own 19200 acresas you claim your three times the size of us. Thats what you claimed Big wheel, is really a flat tire. HA HA HA


                            Such a billshitrer is that all you farm?


                              How much of that land did you buy for nothing when guys were losing their shirts and you had the inside track. Civil servant


                                Yea right!

                                You really are a little piss ant trying to be a Big Wheel.

                                You don't even have close to 19200 of owned paid for land do you.

                                Again all talk just like Trudeau and Nut Case.

                                Good day.


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