Klause, there isn't any relevant field scale, peer reviewed, multi-site trials for western Canada.
Also, in the corn study, the humate was mixed with pesticides, therefore it can not be determined if the effect was from the humate, or the reduced efficacy or antagonism of the pesticide - which is why bgmb asked for a proper trial.
The other trial was done in a lab, with no yield data. This is important because other yield studies have shown that even though there is an increase in root mass, there was no increase in final yield.
Not saying in any way it doesn't work/help. But just like i can't show there isn't a benefit, you neither can show there is. and that's the problem.
Also, in the corn study, the humate was mixed with pesticides, therefore it can not be determined if the effect was from the humate, or the reduced efficacy or antagonism of the pesticide - which is why bgmb asked for a proper trial.
The other trial was done in a lab, with no yield data. This is important because other yield studies have shown that even though there is an increase in root mass, there was no increase in final yield.
Not saying in any way it doesn't work/help. But just like i can't show there isn't a benefit, you neither can show there is. and that's the problem.