So Tweety, $5 or whatever for a jug of milk is a crime but $4.99 for an ever shrinking bag of chips is ok? At least the costing formula keeps the producer caught up.
I'm always torn re supply management. My son worked at a local dairy when he was a young teen. He liked the work and we considered getting into our own dairy. The cost of quota killed that fast. Numbers didn't work.
We also try the lottery for chicken quota but no luck there. We even planted trees around a years ago in case a site was needed.
So, yes, I'm a little bitter that the high capital required to start a supply managed enterprise keeps us out, but, we milked cows when I was a kid so I know the work those people do. Also, the scheme they organized to create a consumer subsidized industry was genius.
I'm always torn re supply management. My son worked at a local dairy when he was a young teen. He liked the work and we considered getting into our own dairy. The cost of quota killed that fast. Numbers didn't work.
We also try the lottery for chicken quota but no luck there. We even planted trees around a years ago in case a site was needed.
So, yes, I'm a little bitter that the high capital required to start a supply managed enterprise keeps us out, but, we milked cows when I was a kid so I know the work those people do. Also, the scheme they organized to create a consumer subsidized industry was genius.