Forage, WTF is wrong with you? Have you ever stuck up for farmers in your life? This is excessive taxation. Just because farm property is reassessed higher doesn't change the farms ability to pay more. In fact, it's the opposite. Also, assessment is only a snapshot of values at that time. Since reassessment, values here have now dropped by, in many cases 30%. That won't show up till next reassessment.
Our RM has shifted the burden of financing the RM operations from the urban to the rural, yet, we have virtually no services. Our roads are shit, infrastructure like culverts are too small, ditches don't work. Road graders are more like recreation vehicles. Drivers rest more than drive.
Our RM, since amalgamation, and electing councillors at large, has virtually all urban councillors. They don't understand farm finance. We had one promising (farmer) person run in the last runoff but he lost in a close vote.
Our farms are under attack. Taxes, whether RM or carbon are choking us. You Forage, seem just fine with that. Why? Not a farmer? Just love gov't (must be a commie)? What? Tell us, besides the "hard workin dairy farmer" you never seem to give a shit about standing up for farmers.
Our RM has shifted the burden of financing the RM operations from the urban to the rural, yet, we have virtually no services. Our roads are shit, infrastructure like culverts are too small, ditches don't work. Road graders are more like recreation vehicles. Drivers rest more than drive.
Our RM, since amalgamation, and electing councillors at large, has virtually all urban councillors. They don't understand farm finance. We had one promising (farmer) person run in the last runoff but he lost in a close vote.
Our farms are under attack. Taxes, whether RM or carbon are choking us. You Forage, seem just fine with that. Why? Not a farmer? Just love gov't (must be a commie)? What? Tell us, besides the "hard workin dairy farmer" you never seem to give a shit about standing up for farmers.