Well last weeks monday snow event and then the last three days of on and off and on rain has ground seeding to a halt. But some guys in pockets have made some astonishing seeding very close. South of us one guy is 40% plus done. Very nice area with hardly any snow and missing all the showers. One other guy i know is seeding his land east of us across a creek as it is almost perfect seeding conditions. But if he finishes on that side and moves home it is a total different conditions.
I feel most will start scratching around and trying today. Friday might be a go day for some and Monday looks like seeding will be in full force in our area. Harvesting of fall grain has turned into a zero event as every time it gets sunny it rains the next day. One note the early seeding guy at Edgeley sprayed his one main field yesterday night and i expect him to be going on that one Friday. For us start up day will probably be peas on Saturday and wheat Monday with second drill.
Some fields the frost is starting to come out and winter sloughs are dropping slowly. Our main Rm finally had the grader out. May first is a good start point. But i will give it to them the new guy can grade.
Burn off will start for most as a guide the sprayer tracks tell the seeder guy where its safe to seed and go. Weeds on some fields are coming like gang busters. Peas fields are the worst from last year. Some wheat fields have really nothing at all to spray.
I was going to burn some fields and still might but they seem so wet during would do really nothing. We will heavy harrow every field I'm thinking.
Last guy rolled out of the yard with his grain and the cleaning is done for the year. Few guys wanting a pea run again but were closed.
Drill two is ready but yesterday found someone must of needed two sensors on the drill while it was sitting in town at the dealership more than we did, as they took the harness and sensors. Really like fingers Louis.
Wheat had a spike, not as high as i wanted but I'm hoping for the magic $7 for the remainder of my HRS #2 this last three bags is unpriced so far. Barley all gone to Manitoba barns. Funny Hutts send corn to Saskatchewan and then same trucking company picks up our barley and back to neighbouring colony. Canola have June delivers priced right just looking for 12 for remainder in late July. Most our almost out of grain now in our area.
Weather forecasting is the million dollar question or is it Billion dollar. Seems Environment Canada is saying it will be a very nice warm summer in western canada. Then Acuweather is saying drought from Peace to battle ford to regina down to estavan all land on west side of that line will be in full drought. Then Drew has us in panic mode with seed when you can as next week another rain event and this pattern will go all summer. Who to believe.
So enjoy one of my favourite times of the year seeding, its a new beginning a new start on a new adventure every year. Some times you win the game some times mother nature turns her ugly head and wipes you off the map. But every spring as long as you can you plant a crop and hope, pray, cross your fingers whatever it makes it to the bin.
Happy seeding happy mothers day and seed on. Be safe the ones at home are way more important than any crop.