Our crop yeilds were close to average, but the straw business is about 50% of normal...
On our farm We are very blessed to have healthy families, warm homes, and are looking towards spring seeding with anticipation of another productive enjoyable year in 2004!
Every year our vision is renewed of a great dream;
We are blessed with free speach... at a cost for our forefathers... that we must defend;
We are blessed with a not perfect, but very honest caring government here in Alberta that respects our personal liberties as farmers...
We are blessed by the great Creator of this earth... with bountyful resourses here in Alberta... that gives my farm and family opportunities few others on the face of this planet could even dream of!
What a wonderful time in history to be alive!
Our crop yeilds were close to average, but the straw business is about 50% of normal...
On our farm We are very blessed to have healthy families, warm homes, and are looking towards spring seeding with anticipation of another productive enjoyable year in 2004!
Every year our vision is renewed of a great dream;
We are blessed with free speach... at a cost for our forefathers... that we must defend;
We are blessed with a not perfect, but very honest caring government here in Alberta that respects our personal liberties as farmers...
We are blessed by the great Creator of this earth... with bountyful resourses here in Alberta... that gives my farm and family opportunities few others on the face of this planet could even dream of!
What a wonderful time in history to be alive!