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Ezra Levant is a clairvoyant?

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    Just to be clear, the Toronto Star DID publish Ezra's rebuttal which showed that their reporter published falsehoods about an adversary:


    Catherine Porter was not immediately fired, but her eventual departure wasn't altogether unexpected in light of her obvious and openly exposed unethical behavior.

    Behavior, it turns out which has been since then repeated by other Star "reporters", people whom grassy, chucky and forage would doubtlessly hold up as examples of "solid journalists", LOLLLZ!


      Why even worry about him. He's annoying as hell but his questioning of bullshit is bang on. We shud be worrying about things like our government giving our money away when our infrustructure is crumbling. Hundred mil to study people who don't know if they're a guy or girl. Come on already. Figure that out on your own dime. Not ours. Just pathetic already. When are things that matter gonna be important again.


        JUST FOR YOU, GRASSFARMER, Ezra Levant demonstrates in his final clip about Porter why his type of journalism is growing and the MSM is trying to survive in a shrinking base.

        People with discernment will look elsewhere for the whole story. The Catherine Porters, the Desmond Coles, the Leah McLarens (G&M) - they have destroyed the credibility of the institutions we once trusted. And the Kathy English types - well, how long can they keep on trying to cover the tracks of the miscreants who "work" for them?


        So, thank you to grassfarmer for bringing this to our attention! You likely increased the readership and revenues of the Rebel once again! Ezra would appreciate that, I'm sure! LOL!


          Thanks for those links, burnt.

          Chuck chuck, do you really believe Mr. Whatchamacallems when he pisses on your leg and tells you Ezra is washed up? :

          "who are read by almost no one and whose arguments fall apart by the seams".

          "Almost no one" ??


          Look at u-tube stats:

          Ezra Levant's video subscribers as of today: 802,672
          CBC's video subscribers as of today:122,200
          Toronto Star video subscribers as of today: 7,691

          1 man with his loyal band.
          1 Government-run & funded, agency
          1 corporation

          Toronto Star hires haters to write opinion pieces; who's obscure value lies in lining cat-piddlepans. TS pays with declining readers....

          You know chuck, that Ezra is a force to reckon with. Happening stuff. As are his supporters. We've been there. Done this. And we know how to take down a Govt run corporation...

          Get up to speed, chuck chuck, or you inevitably get dumped off into Margaret's Boy's "um um um" world every Friday, where the smoke, the hot air and the lies rise high into the chambers of emboldened secrecy.



            How laughable your attempts to prop up this clown are. He failed at Sun News, not enough interest from the population in a "Fox North" to enable them to run a business so now operating in a shady corner of the internet catering to a declining number of wingnut followers. Toronto Star has a print readership of over a million with another million reading online every day. Not enough Alt-Right supporters to keep Sun News going but that maybe reflects on their literacy skills? Disney has millions of youtube subscribers - doesn't make them a credible news outlet though.
            Levant's output is increasingly nothing to do with news it's more "entertainment". Sending "reporters" to rallies and events pulling stunts to create incidents that need police and court intervention to resolve in a desperate attempt to bring in revenue from the online fundraising to free the poor "victimized" Rebel staff and organisation.
            Rather like the TV evangelists of 1980 and 1990s America that implored viewers to "praise the Lord and send me the money" Levant is increasingly pursuing a "hate the Muslims and send me the money" agenda. It's not even limited to Muslims though given the anti-semitic rants of his staffers recently. What it's really about is sending him the money. I wonder how much of the funds raised really go towards his mansion building and unpaid mortgage problems?
            Can't believe some of you are actually funding this. I guess the old saying "fools and their money...."
            So how does the $8 or $9 a month compare to your subscription to National Enquirer burnt? About the same chance of reading any real news as anything Levant puts out.


              Righty tighty, lefty loosey, you counterclockwise wingnut!

              Lesson should be that you don't piss Parsley off, or your leg will get wet. On evaporation, you turn into gas, or a carbon copy of it.

              What a nice, calm day. outside.


                Whatever, grassy.

                It just amuses me to know that every time you rant about Ezra and The Rebel, you increase their readership.

                Have right at it, grassy. Your response shows that Ezra Levant has your firm attention. And so that can't be all bad, LOL!


                  It's amazing the numbers of viewers Ezra, Rebel.Media and Rebel's YouTube channel receive with no government funds.
                  CBC receives $1.5 billion annually for their left wing bias and is painful to watch with the exception of hockey.

                  One thing is certain Ezra has the attention of all on the left, this thread shows a few examples of lefties being riled up by Ezra.


                    [URL="https://www.therebel.media/meet_australia_s_sam_from_antifa_new_member_of_the rebel_media_team"]https://www.therebel.media/meet_australia_s_sam_from_antifa_new_member_of_the rebel_media_team[/URL]
                    Last edited by binthere; Jun 20, 2017, 20:17.


                      As others have posted if you don't like what you see don't read it. No need to be offended. Just like I don't read Kate O' Malley. Not the left's finest.


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