Farm Progress Show Demo unit was described in Leader Post - some of you may have seen the demonstration at the show.
Do you really think you have time to go get pig barn mats to support your weight so you can pull some one out after they are submerged in grain and furthermore, how do you get pig barn mats into the bin. This concept of rescuing gives false hope. The message should be "Stay out of the bin- period!" Bins, augers and semis are definitely not designed for humans. They rae designed for quick unload of grain and anything else that is in it.
Do you really think you have time to go get pig barn mats to support your weight so you can pull some one out after they are submerged in grain and furthermore, how do you get pig barn mats into the bin. This concept of rescuing gives false hope. The message should be "Stay out of the bin- period!" Bins, augers and semis are definitely not designed for humans. They rae designed for quick unload of grain and anything else that is in it.