Well well well the farm progress show is over the usual huge rain event never happened and one thing is still constant its the Fricking wind.
I just can't believe how windy it gets most days. Lots of horror stories of spray drift.
Yesterday the first batch of spraying was complete. Every acre has had a herbicide and now we decide if we do a second pass liberty or just go fishing.
Rain events are funny this year they say 60% chance of rain and you get your windows dirty in the city. Storms brew up head towards the city and fizzle out as fast as they brew up. Last night was a prime example and then animate the Storm and it moves north then south then maybe east and finally gone.
Drew is so off his game and environment Canada and weather network just same nice for the long weekend then oh sorry it rained out your event. One thing is constant its the wind they can predict that one to a T.
Ok so here is this weeks take on the crops out their.
HRS is going deep for moisture which is a good thing we have excess soil moisture but funny when spraying late june almost all fields are just about back to normal. We seem to be on course with last few years for the crop. Funny fields worked last fall are so so nice on cereals but fields of canola on worked ground suck. I would still call most wheat a 8 but if the 30s come and the winds continue the plants can't go deep enough in those conditions. Second rain of season is now needed.
Barley is still a 9 but again if the heat comes at heading next week all bets are off.
Soy is funny this year, funny colour, funny how thin crops are and not sure how they will fair. Right now a 8 but time will tell.
Peas are all sprayed and had their shock treatment with Viper. Double up spots gone. like the wind. Flowering has started on earliest seeded fields on drive out from city our will start probably around monday. Week behind last year as i was spraying fungicide now a year ago. 9 so far as no fields are dead like last year.
Flax, most in area did the make them sick day and yea they were sick but coming not bad. Looked better a week ago. 8.
Oats is coming on not bad after a slow start spraying is done. 9
Lentils very few to mention so no comment.
Canola the big ticket crop is a mom and her three babies to describe the stages in the field. Two apps of proline to get right timing. Or just say F$%K it and park the sprayer and call it a day. If the 30s happen and the wind option B is going to take place. You can put lipstick on a pig but its still a pig. We might have lots of acres but I'm still convinced what guys though in march never got seeded. Canola is a 7 so far.
So here is a basic summary of the area i travel. Every one is trying to finish the last spraying. Liberty likes heat but neighbours don't like your drift from the wind. Wind is constant and only thing the weather Geniuses can get right. Most have fungicides booked and reps are phoning telling us we need to protect the crop but most have left the product in the sheds so far some even have canceled already.
Constant rain like the last few years destroys land and takes acres. I always say 4 one inch rains is all you need. Were approaching the time for the second rain event. Nothing is on the horizon for rain and the heat is coming next week. Wind with it and Wow things will go down hill fast.
So 2017 is like every other year different some way. This year its a total opposite of the last few. Yes i bitched about the excess rain and useless amounts and would again any time. Rain does make grain in moderation.
So this week we turn the calendar and i believe is make or break for the 2017 crop. If the heat come and the wind all bets are off. I don't have a crystal ball so we will have to wait and see.
Enjoy the July 1st weekend, I hope every one gets the rain they want. The winds slow down to nice speed.
So remember the ones at home are way more important than any crop.
Happy Canada day,