In 1962 my father said it was the year it didn't rain. He harvested just slough areas but farming was different. summer fallow was used by all and we had trees in sloughs and what he was working was the higher lighter land.
Rain missed the area again last night and its time to leave for a week and not look at the radar or the sky at home because its starting to get to me.
Yes mother nature is giving me exactly what i asked for. It took her 15 years but she is finally giving it to us.
Thank god were done trying to save this crop its now up to the big guy up stairs.
Burrow pit will have enough water for late fall burn off as nothing will be killed if the drought continues till it rains.
Positive side of drought.
1. Throw the Rubber boots out. Finally work shoes that don't rot from all the moisture you walk in. Ropers that last more than month.
2. Dubin is only applied at beginning of the year.
3. Don't have to cut the grass in the yard three times a week.
4. Duck population and Geese will finally have to move out and give you your land back around sloughs to grow a crop.
5. Grasshoppers in your tank at harvest. Oh they hop all over the place.
6. Grasshoppers as dockage at elevator.
7. Sloughs are gone and fields are back to end to end. Make time and speed up seeding spraying and harvesting. Environmentally friendly less fuel used.
8. Throw the Tow strap, chains belts and rope away. Whats getting stuck dad.
9. Get to know the Crop insurance inspectors again.
10. Roads go back to being awesome.
11. Dig new wells as water table goes down.
12. Create new ways to water the garden and yard.
13. Creeks quit flowing and Beavers have to find a new place to live.
14. Return of the Large double swathers or header that are 60FT.
15.Draining water is a good thing. Their is none. and neighbours want it.
16. Asking the Neighbour is it dry enough for you.
17. Remembering the years it rained 30 in what you at this year less than 2.
18. No more grain bags because the bins you have hold the crop.
19. Gophers start to eat the edge of field instead of Geese and ducks. No wildlife payment.
20. You seed, F$%K all the extra cocktails and spray if needed then go fishing till harvest starts end July early august and your done by Sept first.
I know its not funny to have drought but its the West. Cycles happen and when they change they do a Complete 360.
Next year the Submoisture will be gone. Thats when the shit starts to suck.
Rain missed the area again last night and its time to leave for a week and not look at the radar or the sky at home because its starting to get to me.
Yes mother nature is giving me exactly what i asked for. It took her 15 years but she is finally giving it to us.
Thank god were done trying to save this crop its now up to the big guy up stairs.
Burrow pit will have enough water for late fall burn off as nothing will be killed if the drought continues till it rains.
Positive side of drought.
1. Throw the Rubber boots out. Finally work shoes that don't rot from all the moisture you walk in. Ropers that last more than month.
2. Dubin is only applied at beginning of the year.
3. Don't have to cut the grass in the yard three times a week.
4. Duck population and Geese will finally have to move out and give you your land back around sloughs to grow a crop.
5. Grasshoppers in your tank at harvest. Oh they hop all over the place.
6. Grasshoppers as dockage at elevator.
7. Sloughs are gone and fields are back to end to end. Make time and speed up seeding spraying and harvesting. Environmentally friendly less fuel used.
8. Throw the Tow strap, chains belts and rope away. Whats getting stuck dad.
9. Get to know the Crop insurance inspectors again.
10. Roads go back to being awesome.
11. Dig new wells as water table goes down.
12. Create new ways to water the garden and yard.
13. Creeks quit flowing and Beavers have to find a new place to live.
14. Return of the Large double swathers or header that are 60FT.
15.Draining water is a good thing. Their is none. and neighbours want it.
16. Asking the Neighbour is it dry enough for you.
17. Remembering the years it rained 30 in what you at this year less than 2.
18. No more grain bags because the bins you have hold the crop.
19. Gophers start to eat the edge of field instead of Geese and ducks. No wildlife payment.
20. You seed, F$%K all the extra cocktails and spray if needed then go fishing till harvest starts end July early august and your done by Sept first.
I know its not funny to have drought but its the West. Cycles happen and when they change they do a Complete 360.
Next year the Submoisture will be gone. Thats when the shit starts to suck.