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Stick a fork in it. Lake time fuck it this one is over zero rain in July!

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    Your all so ****ing funny man it's good comedy.

    No not broke, might have to dip into savings for winter get away, crop insurance, I hate shitty weather. Maybe that's why I love Hawaii 80 year round and it rains on the north and east side every second day.

    Karma is a bitch it always comes back on the ones who are so smart.


      That didn't take long. Back to its funny and not that bad. MIGHT have to dip into savings. So selfish.


        .....BACK OFF..... I always stick up for the picked on underdog who is bullied!

        Oh yeah.... and we'll probably be desiccating peas next week. I'm trying to deflect the focus off SF3...... quick kicking him when he's "down"!


          count yourselves lucky , if you have never had a drought.
          or a month without rain.

          did someone actually complain about their peas only being 3 ft. high ?

          how is that possible in saskatchewan ?

          must be Notleys fault somehow , and when , even Brad wall, can not make it rain .
          the end times are here i think.


            It's just funny how haters always hate. They don't like a person when they have it good they don't like a person when their having a hard time they don't like a person who is poor they don't like a person who is rich. They hate blacks whites or First Nations etc. always love to dig a person or group when their having a rough spell.

            If any of your read I was laughing at the morons who hate me. Crop insurance and savings will get a person through this shit. Our weather turned a complete 360. Let's see how smart some of you would be without that one timely rain or down pour after downpour then frost.

            You need thick skin to post on here because most just love to cut down every thing you post.

            It's ****ing dry this year the crops aren't all great the area is huge and if you got rain with all this heat and wind good for you you did great.

            So Haters are just that hateful people. Keep hating me I don't care. It's just fact this year is dry and windy and not all have a crop.


              You young punks never saw this before. The last 10 years have spoiled you BUT don't despair, hopefully prices will triple like they did in the eighties. There's more than one way to skin a cat! What surprises me is how much better the crops look than in the eighties. Most crops are truly miracles around here. Hope the grain hopper proves it to us - I think we'll be surprised. No Worry - be happy. I never wanted to see the eighties again but I know that Mother Nature holds trump card and Omega blocks last 3 months so get her in the bin, you lazy bums.


                Originally posted by farmaholic View Post
                .....BACK OFF..... I always stick up for the picked on underdog who is bullied!

                Oh yeah.... and we'll probably be desiccating peas next week. I'm trying to deflect the focus off SF3...... quick kicking him when he's "down"!
                Mother nature is saving me the cost of chemical dessication... 5 to 95% color change on my peas in one week.


                  How can anybody take a guy serious who complains and whines that he's had 11,12, 13, 14, 15 years in a row of wet weather and now is facing a drought when he hasn't had rain in the month of July this year?
                  Meanwhile posting pictures of top of the line equipment and then spending all winter holidaying in Hawaii and posting on here his Friday cocktails! Can only imagine what non farmer readers think when they read posting like that! Not to mention a thread complaining that Agrilnvest being reduced by the Federal Liberals. Then we all wonder why the general pubic has absolutely no pity for farmers who truly are suffering hardships due to uncontrollable weather after reading posts like that.

                  Sk3, as for you wishing you ancestors settled in the Red River Valley we wouldn't want a whiner like you in Manitoba anyways!


                    See forage you just proved my point a C$&t is a C$&t

                    Have a great day why some of you just hate so much when some one is down.

                    Forage how well would you be doing if the last rain was farm progress show. Tell us your wisdom on that.


                      If you can't manage the fickleties of weather I wonder why farming would be a chosen occupation.

                      Crops here are looking pretty good actually. But farmers are scared to say that because the hail and weather are just being brutal.

                      This was yesterday at Red Deer.

                      Just like rain that can fall inches in one place and tenths a mile away, hail will take out one field and leave the one beside it untouched. Is one worse than another? Holding out hope that it might rain while your crop burns off vs watching it grow and fill out beautifully only to be smashed into the mud in ten minutes?

                      If it's not one thing, it's another. We're almost through hail time here but now we've got to dodge early frost. And then hope it doesn't rain during harvest so they can get into fields and everything doesn't sprout.

                      Not like anyone can sit around and crow that they have a wonderful 2017 crop. Nothing's over until it's in the bin. Preferably at the elevator.


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