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Stick a fork in it. Lake time fuck it this one is over zero rain in July!

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    I have to wonder if I've wormed my way under the skin of alot of people. Being outspoken and opinionated has it's drawbacks. But you'll know where I stand!!!

    Maybe its time to start a thread and have a vote... Survivor Agriville....vote me off the island. But by the time your done....there will only be two of you left. And how fun will that be. I think its normal to agree to disagree but some patience and tolerance comes in handy at times.


      You'll never make it through life without disagreeing with someone. Just as you'll never make it without annoying someone and being annoyed; offending and being offended. Blah blah blah.

      Best you can do is approach life with a sense of humour and a smile whenever possible.

      Just think... all you fellas discussing who's got what amount of inches. Always comes down to that with guys doesn't it?!


        Blaithin we all have shit luck but don't piss and moan about it then post pictures of nice equipment and decent crops. Some are worse some are better just the way it goes.I can give u a play by play of the last 17 years on our farm and they are a mixed bag.
        2000-dry but average crop
        2001-dry poor crop
        2002-dry very poor crop
        2003-dry average crop
        2004-cool and wet froze shit crop
        2005-nice weather good crop
        2006-nice weather dryer late summer avg crop
        2007-nice weather avg crop
        2008-nice weather avg crop due to drowned out
        2009-wet june dry summer avg crop wet fall
        2011-wet spring dry summer turned out good crop
        2012-wet spring dry summer aster yellow poor crop
        2013-damn good crop
        2014-wet spring dry summer good crop
        2015-garbage dry year all the way through
        2016-dry spring good rains late no frost good crop
        2017-wet spring dry now who knows looks avg

        Every year is different. Challenging as hell but take her as she comes.


          Not sure if I should dignify this thread with my time.
          For a while I felt like trading stresses with Sask3. See how he handles mine.
          But then I thought, no thats wrong. He should have the right to vent on here as I have.
          And so therefore, lets not make it personal. Men should resist the urge to make it a short dick contest.
          I'm sure we all feel his frustration. I'm just too tired to get that emotional.


            The issue I have is this.

            On other threads comments made regarding farmers going through tough times and the comments to those farmers were they must be doing something wrong as in mismanaged etc.
            Yet sf3 is losing yield and yes with no rain he is. But why all the stress has he not managed this properly? He hasn't lost nearly as much in crop potential as many have to the weather yet can't handle this amount of loss.
            It's disrespectful and a betrayal of other farmers to say they have mismanaged when they have had way worse weather problems and yet you want to quit because it's so bad???? And call the rest mismanagers?

            I agree it's stressful for him. But why knock other farmers down that have suffered way worse uncontrollable weather but when a fraction. Is applied to you it's the weather not your own management. Well
            Which one is it for all of us?


              Big wheel your so full of shit it's not funny. Where have I ever dised on other farmers. Yes the idiots who ran broad ass farms but not real farmers. I have always stuck for farmers. Shit happens I understand but yesterday showed that this crop is going backwards and won't make much now that the rain hasn't come. Stating a fact.

              I'm the guy who makes sure all are done at harvest and lend a hand. Do you.

              It's western canada I get that shit happens and usually it's the hardest place in the world to grow a crop.

              This year we have been given no rain. Some of you don't get that sub moisture from all the wet years took the crop till Monday. Yes big leaves because it's fed and all that nitrogen that leached down was getting tapped by deep roots. But finally yesterday the crop hit the wall and if any of you watch plants and understand how a crop grows it hit the fence yesterday.

              So yea I complain it's like watching a accident happening in slow motion. You know when it finally hits the wall it's going to suck big time.

              But I can't believe all the haters out their, low life trolls who make up shit. Your the ones who need to look in the mirror.

              Karma is a bitch remember that.

              But I can see my skin isn't as thick as I thought it was. I could never be a politician.

              I just wanted to share what's happening on average farms, that's all, farming isn't easy, it never was and Mother Nature runs things. No matter how hard you work or try she picks winners and losers.

              So keep the put downs going. Why not it makes you feel good.

              I'm done.



                You posts are generally entertaining with a bit of humor! I wouldn't worry if Stonepicker doesn't answer with his little "LIKE" posts.

                He's a bragger and belongs on Facebook anyways!


                  Originally posted by foragefarmer View Post

                  You posts are generally entertaining with a bit of humor! I wouldn't worry if Stonepicker doesn't answer with his little "LIKE" posts.

                  He's a bragger and belongs on Facebook anyways!
                  Thanks forage. But I hope I'm contributing more than entertainment value.

                  You can't let other's get under your skin....its some people's goal.

                  Some good.posters quit from having their efforts or comments badgered.

                  Life is short and no one makes.it out alive....so chillax and don't let others grind you down.


                    SF3 you are just over the top with this whole thing.
                    count your blessings

                    everyone has had a turn at drought frost rain.
                    it is just your turn

                    you live in the greatest country on the planet
                    you have crop insurance and agri invest
                    (socialist support programs)
                    which you may have to touch.

                    i am sure you are a great guy to neighbours and such.
                    but flaunting your wealth , at the same time as all the whining.
                    is just bad PR for farmers as a whole .


                      Good post Jagfarms. I've read previous articles on that too and it's the one thing that scares me and makes me doubt the wisdom of me moving to Canada. If i'd read it before I'd moved I probably wouldn't have. Always live in fear of drought here.


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