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Stick a fork in it. Lake time fuck it this one is over zero rain in July!

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    Funny and sad how the biggest whiners are the ones that have a bit less crop once in 50 years. You'd fit right in the red river valley Saskfarmer3.


      That'sthe one place I wish my great grandfather would of stopped walking and settled as he moved north


        This weather pattern in the 30's had many farmers moving up here to farm. Rain rarely misses the NE corner. Been TOO wet since 2010. BIG water still BIG, check Quill Lake levels. But it is always COLDER, freezes sooner, and harvest is always later, just can't have it perfect. Kelvington at 8.6" rainfall, highest in the province, isolated spots more than that. Drown outs on 10%.
        Sorry to hear of the crop losses. But our determining crop factor will be frost date.
        Last edited by fjlip; Jul 24, 2017, 09:29.


          Stick a fork in it

          Hi I'm new new here..so hope I do thing right...I'm not one for chatting much but will try some times...any ways.. my wif e and I went for a drive on Sunday down to big beaver then through big muddy or to lake alma...those boys are dry...lots of thin and ungerminated crops..some not to bad...pastures brown. ...I've had 1.65" rain so far this year and my crop looks good come paired to theirs and the ones I've seen posted on here look real good...I came through the 80's and am not surprised at this weather at all...its back to what I know of sask....I think some young guys think I'm nuts when I tell then what things can be like but they will find out...this is nothing yet....try 8-10 years of this with the odd good year in between..had a friend rent some pasture here in the 80's and his comment to me was doesn't it ever rain here...hope I haven't offended to many people


            The early seeded crop has hung on surprisingly well. Tight clay subsoil that was full last fall has helped a lot. The late crop got hit hard before it grew roots and won't be very good. One thing I know for sure, if next year is below average for rain the result will be far different. Nutrients used up, reserve soil moisture gone.


              I think SF3 should be aspired too as a model of perseverance and determination despite all odds, whether it be mother nature, the govt, railroads, neighbours, Chinese, etc.., all conspiring against him to force him to the brink. For he now has seen the worst of droughts ever seen. And we all know the only worse fate then a drought is flooding of biblical proportions, which SF3 has had to contend with for at least a decade or two. Some people in other areas may have it much worse then SF3, but they don't count as they are not used to what could of been, nothing gained nothing lost. So my hat is off to you SF3, for you are not only able to survive in times of such hardship, but thrive. Are you sure you are not a closet ndp'er.

              Seriously though, it really sucks being so close to great potential, and have it taken away by lack of rain or hail or a number of things beyond your control. It makes a person feel powerless, and for that I can't fault you. I enjoy your posts, keep em coming, but sometimes you have to back it off a notch, as your posts and pics can show two entirely different things.



                Was scared i might drop my phone in the crack and need an excavator. What would you rather have HRS that runs 60 and sells for $6 or HRS that runs 40 and sells for $9? Its bad but could be much worse Mallee could have had a bumper, US too. We will survive but starting to get nervous for next year. The snowmobile hasn't left the shed for two winters hope thats not the case again.


                  JJ....was that an attempt at sarcasm?!¿!?


                    Drought is relative. It's been 17 years since the last drought cycle. Just like '99 it rained and rained last year. Then the first year of the cycle in 2000 most guys around here at least grew a crop on reserve moisture just like this year. This year, like 2000 should get your attention. Lord knows it's gotten mine. Like I said in a previous post, potential yield has been stifled by between 30 and 70% depending on the crop in relation to how things looked when we sprayed.

                    Heaven help us if next year resembles 2001 and 2 years from now is a repeat of 2002... in '02 i remember double swathing wheat grown on summerfallow into 44ft rows that we picked up with an old 750 Massey in road gear. Hardly an acre of pulses or oilseed even went through a combine. Dugouts and water wells ran dry. Pastures looked like the moon.

                    We should be grateful for what we have this year, just like every year, and use it to prepare for next year, for next year's bumper is never a certainty.


                      got to feel bad for the young guns try to do everything right and getting this threw at them.sorry sask farmer no sympathy for you from me.You still do not know what a drought is.The second year is when things get bad.Grasshoppers no pasture no hay pump water no subsoil moisture in spring and the list goes on.first year is a wake up call.


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