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Stick a fork in it. Lake time **** it this one is over zero rain in July!

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    Anytime! Anybody can post a picture of a pothole in front of a sprayer! Grow a set! I've seen wet and dry as have most older farmers! You got nothing to complain about! Have a good evening


      Tell us how much rain you've had so far in July?


        It took most of the afternoon and evening, but by agriville standards...


          Originally posted by grassfarmer View Post
          Blaithin, almost through hail time? wouldn't be so sure on that. We had a wicked storm hit west of Rimbey in '09 around 24th August. Small area but total devastation, our neighbours got hit on about 40 quarters and 25 would be totalled. It's so much more destructive when the crop is all ripe and brittle.
          Well nothing is ever guaranteed. There's snow and frost in July just as there's 30 above in October.

          Just generalized averages are July is the more probable month for hail. August is the more probable month for early frost. September is when you get those nice, wet snow storms that lay everything flat and then melt and soak everything so you sink up to your eyeballs.


            Stoney get your shit together you never included me as one of the whiners!!!
            Prick!!! Do you need a little more maybe?

            Oh my God it never rained here in June all of June look at my crops *** canola isn't laying out it's so *** thin maybe only 50 this year. And my wheat it's fried fries fried only 60 this year. You can't grow a crop with no rain and I didn't get a drop in June. *** weather. I m only going to Mexico for 67 days this year fk this maybe I should just go now before I have to combine that shit crop. Nobody is as dry as me. I ve never been this dry I ve had 10 years of wipe outs just look at the yields I ve posted. Going to buy 2 new track machines fk that's too much to pay but I ll buy 2. How much can I take.
            I wish I was like those guys that couldn't seed a crop too wet or those guys still combining last years crop they re so lucky.

            Is that good enough? Need more?



              This thread is a good example that men aren't as easy to please as they claim to be.


                He's only on year 12 of a 15 year whinefest. Plenty more to come. Lol


                  Wow... gentleman I suggest that perhaps you guys end this thread. SF3 wants a normal year productive year; I want a normal productive year; who does not want a normal productive year? Guess what - when we get uncooperative weather we get frustrated and this thread is the result of frustration...

                  SF3 - his area has been wet; was it the wettest, who knows but it was wet which is stressful and a struggle...

                  SF3 - his area had a good start this year; but it is dry now - is it the driest - likely not but crop potential is slipping now - guess what that is stressful and a struggle...

                  All you guys are accomplishing is creating more stress for yourselves and more importantly for others - maybe think for a minute about someone lurking on this site or a member of this site who is just keeping it together and they read this crap... what is the impact you are having? Think about it...


                    When was the last time anyone had a normal, productive year?

                    Thought those were mythical. A magical alignment of traits plucked from a variety of years and put together in our heads to make what would be the ideal year. To set the imaginary bar to compare every other year against.


                      Blaithin - you are correct in questioning what normal is... I started define what I consider normal to be... but decided to heck with it just give me the magical year you speak of to bench all other years against; that works for me.


                        I have to wonder if I've wormed my way under the skin of alot of people. Being outspoken and opinionated has it's drawbacks. But you'll know where I stand!!!

                        Maybe its time to start a thread and have a vote... Survivor Agriville....vote me off the island. But by the time your done....there will only be two of you left. And how fun will that be. I think its normal to agree to disagree but some patience and tolerance comes in handy at times.


                          You'll never make it through life without disagreeing with someone. Just as you'll never make it without annoying someone and being annoyed; offending and being offended. Blah blah blah.

                          Best you can do is approach life with a sense of humour and a smile whenever possible.

                          Just think... all you fellas discussing who's got what amount of inches. Always comes down to that with guys doesn't it?!


                            Blaithin we all have shit luck but don't piss and moan about it then post pictures of nice equipment and decent crops. Some are worse some are better just the way it goes.I can give u a play by play of the last 17 years on our farm and they are a mixed bag.
                            2000-dry but average crop
                            2001-dry poor crop
                            2002-dry very poor crop
                            2003-dry average crop
                            2004-cool and wet froze shit crop
                            2005-nice weather good crop
                            2006-nice weather dryer late summer avg crop
                            2007-nice weather avg crop
                            2008-nice weather avg crop due to drowned out
                            2009-wet june dry summer avg crop wet fall
                            2011-wet spring dry summer turned out good crop
                            2012-wet spring dry summer aster yellow poor crop
                            2013-damn good crop
                            2014-wet spring dry summer good crop
                            2015-garbage dry year all the way through
                            2016-dry spring good rains late no frost good crop
                            2017-wet spring dry now who knows looks avg

                            Every year is different. Challenging as hell but take her as she comes.


                              Not sure if I should dignify this thread with my time.
                              For a while I felt like trading stresses with Sask3. See how he handles mine.
                              But then I thought, no thats wrong. He should have the right to vent on here as I have.
                              And so therefore, lets not make it personal. Men should resist the urge to make it a short dick contest.
                              I'm sure we all feel his frustration. I'm just too tired to get that emotional.


                                The issue I have is this.

                                On other threads comments made regarding farmers going through tough times and the comments to those farmers were they must be doing something wrong as in mismanaged etc.
                                Yet sf3 is losing yield and yes with no rain he is. But why all the stress has he not managed this properly? He hasn't lost nearly as much in crop potential as many have to the weather yet can't handle this amount of loss.
                                It's disrespectful and a betrayal of other farmers to say they have mismanaged when they have had way worse weather problems and yet you want to quit because it's so bad???? And call the rest mismanagers?

                                I agree it's stressful for him. But why knock other farmers down that have suffered way worse uncontrollable weather but when a fraction. Is applied to you it's the weather not your own management. Well
                                Which one is it for all of us?


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