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Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

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    SF3.... I think this weather is making you a bit "sensitive"..... crusher may be implying that the wheat tour is out to lunch?

    Ah **** it, let crusher explain his intent!


      I don't think the tour even went to Williams county-highest durum producing county in ND in 2016.
      This year nearly all areas of durum production in ND and Montana are rated severe, extreme or exception drought areas. Time will tell


        Yea crusher explain are you being a troll like some or had a question. Trolls are wrecking discussions


          I did an organic farm your yesterday about 1-1/2 hours north of Saskatoon.
          Not exactly Ag in Motion caliber.
          The guy broadcasted 3 bu/acre peas on top of his hemp stubble. He then tandem disked it all in. He didnt like the job from the disk so he hit it again with a pro till and let it be. There has been some rain. Those peas are looking at least 40 bu/acre and contracted for $14.00/bushel.
          Very interesting methods. Precision broadcasting peas.


            Thanks for posting that hobby,...... goes to show.(in more than one way)


              How can you have end users such as millers and bakers doing a crop tour. Of course they are going to overstate the crop and say it's not to bad. I bet they are buying every bushel they can while posting misleading numbers.

              Here is a link of producer comments from all over the US.

              https://www.agweb.com/agweb-crop-comments/?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiT0RWbFl6QXdaV0ZtTkRKbSIsInQiOiJkW lBWXC9YQ0xjaHU4cXhYSlE3UGhsWlN3WngxeWtBRTNmRlg5TUZ 3SnVLUitHWmRMWCtneFJxMWh2XC9qMHp2M25nZGxJSmduV1R4T 2FPYk1LYUhHcFlGQjBYMkc2TEZ3WkwrVnkwWDgwQlFnMFpEM0J QSGNvaWlucXBFRnVzQ1hTIn0%3D


                Look at the Twitter pics. Saying this is a 28 bu crop and everyone is giving them shit... Obviously a sub 10 bu crop lol!!!


                  When a crop gets really bad it's a challenge to harvest. Crop Insurance came out to assess our wheat once and said it would go 12. Decided to leave it. 4 bpa final result


                    Crop checking this morning. Noticed some volunteer grain that came after that June rain actually died and the others that didn't are basically nothing. 2015(on our farm) must have had enough rain along the way to keep that undergrowth alive. I don't know if I ever experienced a stretch of time this long without meaningful rain, or I just wasn't paying attention like I am now.

                    ....more whining, right?


                      Nope. She's bad.


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