How can you have end users such as millers and bakers doing a crop tour. Of course they are going to overstate the crop and say it's not to bad. I bet they are buying every bushel they can while posting misleading numbers.
Here is a link of producer comments from all over the US. lBWXC9YQ0xjaHU4cXhYSlE3UGhsWlN3WngxeWtBRTNmRlg5TUZ 3SnVLUitHWmRMWCtneFJxMWh2XC9qMHp2M25nZGxJSmduV1R4T 2FPYk1LYUhHcFlGQjBYMkc2TEZ3WkwrVnkwWDgwQlFnMFpEM0J QSGNvaWlucXBFRnVzQ1hTIn0%3D
Here is a link of producer comments from all over the US. lBWXC9YQ0xjaHU4cXhYSlE3UGhsWlN3WngxeWtBRTNmRlg5TUZ 3SnVLUitHWmRMWCtneFJxMWh2XC9qMHp2M25nZGxJSmduV1R4T 2FPYk1LYUhHcFlGQjBYMkc2TEZ3WkwrVnkwWDgwQlFnMFpEM0J QSGNvaWlucXBFRnVzQ1hTIn0%3D