Seen on the news a sewage treatment plant released a discharge into the falls and turned the water black but it is ok because it falls within the guidelines. Everyone is so worried about co2 but hardly a word about this shit.
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It's so typical for leftist in those liberal ass cities to dump their shit, literally their shit, into any body of water they have to, just to get rid of it. Because it's too inconvenient to deal with or process it in other ways, or too costly as they're nearly running out other people's money to run their city. Leftist are by far, the biggest ****ing hypocrites going these days.
There is a direct impact on the environment. Stop the practice, stop the pollution. But nope they are so fukin focused on taxing the wealth creators of this country with an absolutely useless carbon tax that will do zero directly to the environment... ever
Originally posted by danny W1M View PostIt's so typical for leftist in those liberal ass cities to dump their shit, literally their shit, into any body of water they have to, just to get rid of it. Because it's too inconvenient to deal with or process it in other ways, or too costly as they're nearly running out other people's money to run their city. Leftist are by far, the biggest ****ing hypocrites going these days.
Originally posted by danny W1M View PostIt's so typical for leftist in those liberal ass cities to dump their shit, literally their shit, into any body of water they have to, just to get rid of it. Because it's too inconvenient to deal with or process it in other ways, or too costly as they're nearly running out other people's money to run their city. Leftist are by far, the biggest ****ing hypocrites going these days.
The primary reason why cities dump sewage is the lack of laws against and they don't want to raise taxes to pay for adequate treatment. You guys are in favour of more regulations and higher taxes correct?
blackpowder is right chucky,
if that was oil in the line, the oil industry would have been forced(at their own cost) to send down a scuba team, attach to the underwater discharge, a piping arrangement that would have brought the waste around and back up on land. Then the flushing would have taken place and the waste would have circled back into waiting tanker trucks. It then would be hauled away to a processing center where the waste would have been decontaminated. All expenses would have been left to the oil company. The city should have gone through the same process of recovering their shit and accepted the costs, and not endangering the environment. Montreal and Victoria are two more for you chucky, I'm sure there are more.
It's been going on under all stripes of governments so the political spin is a wash. Is there an Ndp government running Sask? Because I can tell you there are many cases of sewer being let out where it shouldn't.
It's gross and this is what 2017?
Originally posted by chuckChuck View PostHey Danny are you sure it is only leftist shit being dumped in the river? Rob Nicholson is the MP and his main constituency office is in Niagra Falls. I wonder why Rob and Steve Harper didn't get this fixed during the 10 years they were in power?
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