Well at three in the morning the radar was setting up and the blocking pattern was their. The storms would head our way then dip south all of a sudden or turn north and then start up again at melville. I went to bed f$&k it was just another Shit show that I witnessed over and over since June. Yea dip shit is correct I did have 1/10 twice at one point. But it didn't even settle the dust.
So after three I guess it built up or circled back and we got rain.
Yes thank you god we finally got our 3/4 inch. I'm not religious at all but finally it rained.
What will this do for yield extra sweet f$&k all except now instead of shrivelled ugly kernels maybe some weight.
Canola instead of pepper maybe a semi that actually weighs up to normal.
So yes I'm finally happy and very thankful.