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Canada's debt to gdp

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    Canada's debt to gdp

    Over 92% and climbing...

    Higher than Germany Russia and even Argentina ffks.

    The largest sector of our economy is real estate and rentals.

    Ah fishing forestry makes up 1.6%

    Germany fits in Quebec. Farming fishing forestry male up 1%... biggest single sector of their economy is manufacturing. A 300 Billion trade surplus with the world last year.

    What happened to our economy? Our exports? We used to count export surpluses on the billions

    If something doesn't change this country will be bankrupt... look at the capital fleeing from the resource sector.

    Klause . . . the average Canadian has little idea of the serious economic consequences ahead.


      And that's what I've been saying all along we need to look at the manufacturing and tech sectors for growth but we don't we re stuck in this sell the raw material for nothing attitude to get those jobs when that is not the future for one thing we re losing ground in terms of qualified workers. Oil is relatively cheap so why aren't we persuing other industries??? Not even the faintist words to do so. We need some leaders in politics but none of them have it currently in any party. Just worried about getting elected and then towing the party line and then collecting the pension. There hasn't been any real leaders for quite some time.


        Oh heck no, The largest sector of Canada's economy right now, at just over 12% is Real estate & rental services... Let that sink in... Our economy is built on trading houses worth 10% of what they are selling for.

        We will never have a manufacturing industry here... unions have made it too expensive, and Canadian workers are some of the most inefficient in the world (according to a HR guy I know at a multinational)


          Just starting to realize this now? I have been saying for a long time that canuckistan is a third world country with no real economy. What are the 50 million unemployed real estate agents going to do when the real estate bubble bursts? It is too far gone and we look forward to a Venezualan future for the kids. Should not have printed so much money and had real economic growth a decade ago instead of a speculative bubble economy but too late now. Damage is done.


            We need to spend more time and resources to convert oil to gas, diesel, other products. Turn raw yellow cake into fissionable uranium... Raw peas and lentils into finished consumable food products.

            We grow durum... but won't make pasta.
            We grow lentils but won't make dahl
            We import crude oil on one side of the country, and can't get rid of it on the other.
            We built a port to access tide water in central Canada, but can't figure out how to maintain the rail line.
            Europe has high speed transit across the continent... We have the opportunity for massive public works projects to put people to work during economic downtime... and save the environment, but all anybody does is lip service.


              Zirp = no doubling of capital. It's a big ****ing deal. Watch the witch hunt on Volkswagen over emissions. That's gonna kneecap the entire EU. Likely kick off a run on copper after they realize diesel is dirtier then gas. Surge into electric cars the grid can't fuel. Only after we lose our resource revenue to special interest groups will we realize where the money comes from for the social programs, welfare pensions etc. The 1% will move before they fund the lazy. Money moves across borders way too easily. This entire run in stocks has been foreign capital pouring into US due to the euro depreciating. Money moves !!
              Last edited by macdon02; Aug 13, 2017, 22:01.


                100 percent correct Klause!!!


                  Klaus I was quite amazed to read an article on the CBC website which discussed Our Finance Minister latest proposed tax changes for corporations. I was surprised that even the CBC realizes that entrepreneurs need some tax incentives to continue to take risk and that as such do deserve some tax advantages over the average worker. There is no doubt that governments in Canada are only concerned about increasing the size and cost of government and demonizing those who are successful. Justin Trudeau and his right hand man Gerald Butts won't be happy until we are all broke and subservient. I feel very sorry for the many Canadians that are to stupid to see this.


                    It's all about price of oil. Carbon tax, pst on insurance, corporate tax rate absolutely every tax increase is due to oil being slashed by 66%. Where are the cuts that matched the increases when govt employees wanted a raise due to 147? Every action has a reaction and rather then cut the tax goes up. Govt only consumes


                      Every dollar in existance is a dollar of debt created into existance with interest owing to a privately controlled central bank. As it takes the issuance of more debt(dollars) to have the interest on the existing debt serviced it is an impossibilty that it can ever be paid back. Its all smoke n mirrors. #InfinitePaperDebt


                        And the cutting of trees, the growing of food, the catching of fish, the trapping of furrs... the extraction of minerals is the only way that money is ever given value... Everything else is simply moving money in circles.


                          Sry no, the only thing that gives the dollar purchasing power is faith. Its value is infact zero it would be terrible to try and heat a home with and makes a crappy toilet paper. If it were redeemable for a fixed amout of valueable goods such as gold, oil ... held in reserve for every dollar issued. Then it could be said that the dollar holds value.
                          Last edited by biglentil; Aug 13, 2017, 23:04.


                            Originally posted by biglentil View Post
                            Sry no, the only thing that gives the dollar purchasing power is faith. Its value is infact zero it would be terrible to try and heat a home with and makes a crappy toilet paper. If it were redeemable for a fixed amout of valueable goods such as gold, oil ... held in reserve for every dollar issued. Then it could be said that the dollar holds value.
                            I didn't say it holds value. What I'm saying is only the before mentioned activities give a currency - any currency... value in an economic system. Everything else is simply moving money from one to the next... You need to insert something of value somewhere in order to be able to place money... or used to... Now federal reserves simply inject currency into equity markets where it does no good to anyone.


                              Wow, what a way to start Monday morning - reading what a bunch of negativism views on our stellar economy!

                              I just might put the whole bunch of you on "ignore"!

                              Because sock puppet PM and his puppets master Butts did and it seems to work for them...


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