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Idiot Liberals

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    Quota is regulated by industry... Government only protects it from exterior forces.

    It is no different than being the only game in town in any other business which makes the business far more profitable.

    Being against government regulation (think all the manure regulations) is different than being against an industry that regulates itself to it's on benefit...

    Grain farmers who only want "freedom"(yet can't define what freedom means) are a funny bunch...

    When prices go down produce more to maintain profit... I'm yeah cause that works. Only sector of any economy that increases production when prices fall... LOL.


      Originally posted by Klause View Post
      Quota is regulated by industry... Government only protects it from exterior forces.

      It is no different than being the only game in town in any other business which makes the business far more profitable.

      Being against government regulation (think all the manure regulations) is different than being against an industry that regulates itself to it's on benefit...

      Grain farmers who only want "freedom"(yet can't define what freedom means) are a funny bunch...

      When prices go down produce more to maintain profit... I'm yeah cause that works. Only sector of any economy that increases production when prices fall... LOL.
      Good luck getting a bunch of independent businessmen competing against each other to try and limit production and supply. We don't matter anyway...remember. Besides competing amounst ourselves we're competing internationally. And alot of the handlers have international options...which shelf will they sell off today.


        Originally posted by burnt View Post
        Why don't you want a cow, Sharecropper?
        I like being able to take vacations, so no live animals for me.


          Originally posted by Klause View Post
          Quota is regulated by industry... Government only protects it from exterior forces.

          It is no different than being the only game in town in any other business which makes the business far more profitable.

          Being against government regulation (think all the manure regulations) is different than being against an industry that regulates itself to it's on benefit...

          Grain farmers who only want "freedom"(yet can't define what freedom means) are a funny bunch...

          When prices go down produce more to maintain profit... I'm yeah cause that works. Only sector of any economy that increases production when prices fall... LOL.

          I agree with you on the freedom part. Freedom to sell wheat to whomever we want is good but when we are selling to an oligopoly of 3 or 4 grain comapnies that handle over 80 percent of the grain and two railways with geographical monopolies it can be pretty tough for the farmer to extract a real market price at times. Pretty soon we will be down to 2 or 3 chemical and seed companies as well. ..... Competition only works if everyone is competing.

          Supply management exists because of government regulation/intervention plain and simple. Without tariffs to keep prices artificially high and laws to stop farmers without quota from selling milk, eggs and chicken supply management would be gone tomorrow. If you put a true libertarian and a sm advocate in the same room I doubt they would agree on much. SM is essentially is a close relative of communism.


            Originally posted by bgmb View Post

            Freedom to sell wheat to whomever we want is good but when we are selling to an oligopoly of 3 or 4 grain comapnies that handle over 80 percent of the grain and two railways with geographical monopolies it can be pretty tough for the farmer to extract a real market price at times. Pretty soon we will be down to 2 or 3 chemical and seed companies as well. ..... Competition only works if everyone is competing.
            Pleased to see you've figured that out - only 100 years after your predecessors came to the same conclusion and did something about it, lol.

            For all you "true libertarian" grain farmers - how many of you would be able to seed a crop next spring without having Government programs and subsidized crop insurance? Genuine questions - would the banks lend you the money for operating loans without these things in place and how many could seed a crop without borrowing money?


              Originally posted by grassfarmer View Post
              Pleased to see you've figured that out - only 100 years after your predecessors came to the same conclusion and did something about it, lol.

              For all you "true libertarian" grain farmers - how many of you would be able to seed a crop next spring without having Government programs and subsidized crop insurance? Genuine questions - would the banks lend you the money for operating loans without these things in place and how many could seed a crop without borrowing money?
              Private is basically offering just a much coverage as public crop ins now. So not sure where that subsidy is ending up? As for subsidization I think it needs to be dialed back for all sectors. Auto, Oil, Ag, overpaid government workers and on and on. Our farm pays way more into government programs that we have taken out over the years... If we lost all subsidies and our tax burden was cut accordingly it would be wonderful IMo.


                But if you lost all subsidies and your taxes remained the same could you seed a crop?

                Don't move the goal posts - supply management farmers pay tax too - large amounts of it because they are profitable. That helps fund your crop insurance.


                  Originally posted by grassfarmer View Post
                  But if you lost all subsidies and your taxes remained the same could you seed a crop?

                  Don't move the goal posts - supply management farmers pay tax too - large amounts of it because they are profitable. That helps fund your crop insurance.
                  Grass farm paid over 300k in land tax and income tax this year. So gf yourself wouldn't have any trouble seeding a crop


                    Nobody is talking about abolishing income tax or property tax though - just not going to happen. When you talk about wanting to farm without Government support that realistically means cutting out Government support and subsidy yet the pre-existing tax burdens would remain.


                      Originally posted by grassfarmer View Post
                      Nobody is talking about abolishing income tax or property tax though - just not going to happen. When you talk about wanting to farm without Government support that realistically means cutting out Government support and subsidy yet the pre-existing tax burdens would remain.
                      Of course we arent going to abolish it. I am saying cut subsidies across the board in all sectors and tackle excess gov spending. Cut income taxes by even half as much and put the rest towards getting rid of the deficit not piss it away.
                      Last edited by bgmb; Aug 14, 2017, 18:12.


                        Originally posted by grassfarmer View Post
                        Nobody is talking about abolishing income tax or property tax though - just not going to happen. When you talk about wanting to farm without Government support that realistically means cutting out Government support and subsidy yet the pre-existing tax burdens would remain.

                        Not sure which subsidies you mean? Fuel tax benefit?

                        See my thread on Brad and SCIC. we actually subsidize government thru crop insurance as our portion of premiums is greater than the admin costs and payouts over the last decade....

                        I guess there's agriinvest and agristab... Neither of which we are in....

                        Pay $100,000 a year in taxes and have very little for it. Have to Drive past a brand new old folks home... I mean hospital an hour and a half down the narrowest highway in Sask in middle of December when somebody decide it's time to come out of his or her warm hiding spot.


                          Originally posted by Sharecropper View Post
                          I like being able to take vacations, so no live animals for me.
                          Well then what gives you the right to complain about the price if someone else is willing to do what you won't do for yourself?

                          Therein lies the heart of the matter.


                            Have been interested and involved with trade negotiations and fight against protectionism since time of Otto Lang over forty years ago. Otto was one of the first to tell us it might be in our own best interest to do something about negative aspect of wheat board.
                            Even at that time, supply management supporters were quick to see ending the wheat board as a threat to their own system. It is rather unfair to blame a liberal government any more than a conservative one.


                              Originally posted by burnt View Post
                              Well then what gives you the right to complain about the price if someone else is willing to do what you won't do for yourself?

                              Therein lies the heart of the matter.
                              I'm complaining as a consumer of dairy products whose right to choose has been taken away. I would say that I have every right to complain when others are willing to sell the same product for less money, but I can't buy it because of a governmental policy that benefits the few at the expense of the rest of us.


                                Originally posted by Sharecropper View Post
                                I'm complaining as a consumer of dairy products whose right to choose has been taken away. I would say that I have every right to complain when others are willing to sell the same product for less money, but I can't buy it because of a governmental policy that benefits the few at the expense of the rest of us.
                                Who is willing to sell the same product for less money? Certainly no-one milking cows in Canada. The US product isn't comparable as its produced with BST hormone. A few guys are selling raw milk illegally here but at considerably more than the cost of organic milk in the store. Some times, somewhere else in the world it may be available for less money and nobody is stopping you from buying that.
                                What you really want is the Government to change some rules to break the system so that enough cheap imports (subsidized by their governments) come in to collapse the price here so that the farmer gets less than the cost of production. Then you sit and complain that your grain prices are poor for much the same reasons. Stupid is as stupid does.


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