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Rebel Media Co-founder quits

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    Rebel Media Co-founder quits

    “What The Rebel suffers from is a lack of editorial and behavioural judgment that left unchecked will destroy it and those around it. For that reason, I am leaving." Brian Lilley


    Rats and a sinking ship come to mind....


      Grass what the CBC ended is thats what your talking about.


        You really should take that phone back lol - your posts are unintelligible.


          Everything Ezra Lavant has been involved in has crashed and burned.


            Originally posted by SASKFARMER3 View Post
            Grass what the CBC ended is thats what your talking about.
            Grass, what the CBC ended? Is that what you're talking about?

            I can read it....the Grammar Police at work.

            Maybe SF3 and I went to the same school or had the same English teacher.

            "I" or "me" or "**** it".....I think you get the picture. Lol
            Last edited by farmaholic; Aug 15, 2017, 10:25.


              A few years ago, in order to be considered a legitimate media organization, you needed a building, a bunch of reporters, a printing press or radio station, and money to distribute your message.
              Now, all you need is an opinion and GoDaddy, which will host your website for $29.99 a year.
              We're being fed all kinds of information from all different directions.
              It's up to us to determine what info is legitimate and unbiased, and which is garbage, or as The Donald calls it "Fake News."


                That because a few years ago the media actually was, for the most part, legitimate. It all changed when the MSM decided that the first half black President could not be allowed to fail in the eyes of Americans. They went out of their way to cover up and excuse his speaking blunders, to always photograph him in the best light and backgrounds,,,endless pictures of him depicted with a hallow around or over his head and doing their best to keep the teleprompter out of the picture. Bury stories of him hosting BLM numerous times, multiple times after BLM assassinated police officers in Texas. Letting him get away with calling American muslims killers be called work place violence. Meeting the fake news generator and astroturfer, Bob Cramer over 342 times at the White House, and another 42 times outside the WH.
                Thank Al Gore for inventing the internet so we have other sources of News other than the Liberal owned media.


                  Originally posted by farmaholic View Post
                  Grass, what the CBC ended? Is that what you're talking about?
                  Thanks for the translation farma! now we just need to explain to him that it wasn't CBC that was ending it was Rebel media collapsing.

                  Originally posted by danny W1M View Post
                  ....It all changed when the MSM decided that the first half black President could not be allowed to fail in the eyes of Americans. They went out of their way to cover up and excuse his speaking blunders, to always photograph him in the best light and backgrounds,,,endless pictures of him depicted with a hallow around or over his head......
                  That'll be your fake news LOL. I mean do you really believe this kind of nonsense?


                    [URL="https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=Ku%2fxvDsK&id=36A7348AC1 3F2733F516994E8CCE434A006EAF5C&thid=OIP.Ku_xvDsKxh QvGB9rv0ERuAEsDw&q=++obama++hallo&simid=6080160376 23959119&selectedIndex=143&ajaxhist=0"]https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=Ku%2fxvDsK&id=36A7348AC1 3F2733F516994E8CCE434A006EAF5C&thid=OIP.Ku_xvDsKxh QvGB9rv0ERuAEsDw&q=++obama++hallo&simid=6080160376 23959119&selectedIndex=143&ajaxhist=0[/URL]

                    Have a look for yourself.


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