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Rebel Media Co-founder quits

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    Originally posted by danny W1M View Post
    [URL="https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=Ku%2fxvDsK&id=36A7348AC1 3F2733F516994E8CCE434A006EAF5C&thid=OIP.Ku_xvDsKxh QvGB9rv0ERuAEsDw&q=++obama++hallo&simid=6080160376 23959119&selectedIndex=143&ajaxhist=0"]https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=Ku%2fxvDsK&id=36A7348AC1 3F2733F516994E8CCE434A006EAF5C&thid=OIP.Ku_xvDsKxh QvGB9rv0ERuAEsDw&q=++obama++hallo&simid=6080160376 23959119&selectedIndex=143&ajaxhist=0[/URL]

    Have a look for yourself.
    I guess you didn't think to google "George Bush halo"? The halo thing didn't start with Obama. But seriously an adult believes that the media is politically biased because a photographer thought of a neat trick using the presidential seal in the background?


      that's your problem grassy, you always single out what's comfortable for you to address, leave the hard stuff burried.


        The little grade 10 prick boy, likely gas, was told, "You are a nothing child." For half a year the class pondered that, and laughed. That was until the sharpest girl in the class finally asked, "What did you mean by that statement. The response was, "It's all in where you might place a comma." A real facial expression changed on her face, with a verbal, "Oh!"

        Danny, don't be concerned about gas. He is an NFU prick, and they never negotiate.


          well, here's the good news.
          there's an internet site to suit everyone's political beliefs … no matter how far fetched they are.
          have fun seeking the truth … or seeking to ignore it.


            Parsley needs to send in more money to keep Ezra afloat. It would be a shame if the "REAL NEWS" stopped being put out!


              Originally posted by foragefarmer View Post
              Parsley needs to send in more money to keep Ezra afloat. It would be a shame if the "REAL NEWS" stopped being put out!
              Thanks for the reminder, Grassy. I have been preoccupied, but I shall put a cheque in the mail. Parsley


                Originally posted by parsley View Post
                Thanks for the reminder, Grassy. I have been preoccupied, but I shall put a cheque in the mail. Parsley
                Maybe spend the money on getting your eyes checked instead? that post was by "foragefarmer" - whoever he is.


                  Getting short of rats on the SS Rebel LOL. Faith Goldy fired and dramatic accusations in this video by a former British contributor. Worth watching - it contains the word "SCAM"



                    Originally posted by grassfarmer View Post
                    Getting short of rats on the SS Rebel LOL. Faith Goldy fired and dramatic accusations in this video by a former British contributor. Worth watching - it contains the word "SCAM"

                    If the Rebel disappears, it appears that no one will be more heart-broken than you grassy!

                    You appear to be their most faithful follower, with all the news you keep bringing to us from The Rebel.

                    Who knew, grassfarmer is likely a closet racist and everything-phobe getting his vicarious thrill by absorbing alt-right news.

                    Thanks for the updates. Keep up the good work grassy!
                    Last edited by burnt; Aug 18, 2017, 05:26.


                      Originally posted by burnt View Post
                      If the Rebel disappears, it appears that no one will be more heart-broken than you grassy!

                      You appear to be their most faithful follower, with all the news you keep bringing to us from The Rebel.

                      Who knew, grassfarmer is likely a closet racist and everything-phobe getting his vicarious thrill by absorbing alt-right news.

                      Thanks for the updates. Keep up the good work grassy!
                      You are welcome burnt! Any day that is a bad day for hatred spewing, racist, scumbag creators of fake news is a good day for me and for society in general. So i'll keep on sharing the good news.


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