Originally posted by bucket
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When did you do it? What were the conditions? What pH and tds ppm is your water?
There's a lot to chemistries and how they work... They will function as designed if used as designed.
Once again talking about 4 grams... A teaspoon... Per acre. Doesn't take much to screw that up...
I'm not advocating summerfallowing and the use of no chemical I'm saying what many are doing today will eventually be looked down on much like we all look down on summer fallow and half cropping.
The comment about micros not doing anything... Well ergot is exacerbated by a copper defficiency in the soil. Add a bit of foiliar cu and presto ergot problems decrease massively.
There's a lot of international research now on the degradation of gluten, and rising incidence of disease in wheat and linking it to excessive use of nitrogen.
None of these studies get done in Canada.... Because our research departments are funded by chem and fert companies.
Just once try a 10 acre plot of canola with 50-100-100-50 for fert and see what it looks like. Meanwhile the canola council is studying high nitrogen protocols.