Well another week and the system above us is in full strength like it was all summer. Hot Dry and Windy. Totals for the year range from 3.2 in to 3.75 for the high. Yep it has been one strange year. Funny thing if your looking for a positive out of this year it isn't this useless crop were growing. Its the fact almost all of our fields on our farm will be back to 155 Acre or better quarters come fall of 2017. Its hard to believe that just last fall some quarters were 89 acres and the rest 4 to 6 in of water. Even yesterday to the north of us i sprayed a half that in 2010 we couldn't seed because it was so wet Was sprayed to 145 acres. One deep slough. But how fast mother nature can reclaim land in our area. One island we use to laugh about hasn't been able to seed since 2007, their is willows and even seen a poplar or two started growing. Sprayed out will disc down later in fall.
So maybe the dry year was what our area needed, Yields will be down but still better than other areas. But its the reclamation of land. I figure some 1200 acres are back for 2018 and i didn't even have to go rent some more.
Were Back in the Game.
Ok on politics i have just one word. Lock up the useless shit from the West side and throw the key away.
JT your just a idiot who is going to take us so far in debt but you'll get a seat at the Un for life.
Ok here is the Crop Report for End of August.
Were 20 % done and Wheat harvest has started in our area about a day or two ago. Its lights every where.
HRS, most have finished spraying or swathing and harvest is in full force in our area. Its no Swan River food bank wheat (90, 45) but its going to do real good considering. So far we have just harvested our poorest driest wheat and were surprised by its performance. HRS is the one crop in our area that seemed to handle the heat. Now its funny if a area turned rather quick when you hit those with the yield monitor they drop down real fast. But others are right up their with the best. But some subscription farming services would of had placed extra fert in areas that did real good in wet years that this year produced piss all. and some Wet areas that had done poor in the past do excellent this year would have been short fert. This is why we quit it back in the 80s Because one dry year screwed up all our placement. That dry year continued for 4 more.
Soy has started to shut down exactly a week after the cool two night temps, coincidence or was it time. Yields will be down as the crop needed a real august rain. Some new guys will be disappointed. Odd guy might be rather happy. Time will tell. But the crop is definitely in final stage.
Oats some early seeded, real early seeded is coming off and yields are good but probably 30% of normal. Later has turned white and probably will be lighter as it ran out of moisture. Swathing is in full force.
Barley is basically rapped up in our area. Late yielded better than early but still off last years highs by 30% Early should all go malt late will be close and any real late no. Real late ran out of moisture. Some green feed seeded July 1st is being cut now and you can see it needed one more rain in August.
Last real rain was August 2 for our area.
Durum only a few fields and quality should be their but yield is similar to HRS.
Flax is being swathed and sprayed in the area as it came in with the heat.
Canola is in full swath mode or full Spray mode. One observation is our area has a Section or two of liberty thats right up their with the big boys not strait cut. Another half to the north or RR Older variety is in the same ball park and further north a Dekalb half or better is also in the Club. Funny thing the big experiment of Sell all swathers and strait cut all Canola will have poorer yields this year. Seeded early first rain was about a week to late and second was off on filling. Yes the seeds will be a bit bigger as all canola seed our area will be smaller. I like sell the swather for one reason its a good product to use on your last 2, 6 or 12 quarters depending on size of farm. If we get late swathing and have a panic mode this is a great fit. Also if we want to strait cut its available as a management tool if it starts to rain. Disease was a non issue this year and the test told us that early at time of spraying. Im sold on doing the test after two years, but common sense also is needed if your wet and its misty and damp then yea you have a issue developing. hot dry and windy nothing wants to live. Also no moss on the ground like past years.
Oh and on the club root finding in Sask. How hard has that guy pushed his seeding rotation. Canola Canola Canola just F#$Ks it up for the rest of us.
So im glad i kept the swather, wasn't going to sell it any way. Its a tool in your tool box some times it works some times it doesn't and some times its the right fit or not. Next year it might be the cats ass as varieties improve. Early ones had issues newer are better.
Pea harvest is done and for some it was ok not even close to best years but still will do others are way way down in 20 plus range.'
Pastures are in free fall as no rain has dried up most. Lots of guys looking for extra bales if they can find them. Hay guys are almost sold out.
So as another week slips through the hour glass for the summer of min to no rain, harvest is in full swing in our area lets hope the rain stays away for a good three to four more weeks then it can let go and give us a drink.
Yea watch it will start now.
Keep safe as its just a crop that they are going to take and the ones at home are way more important.
Mallee have a great trip home, till next time.