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Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

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    Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

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ID:	777713

    Well well well another week has come and gone and finally full bore harvesting is on its way in our area. Most are finishing up their cereals or just getting to half way point of cereals but odd guy has started canola.

    Our super leader in Canada is at it again, he can hand out billions around the world yet oh the budget doesn't balance it self and now has to go after Farmers to get the bills in Ottawa paid. His new tax plan will kill a lot of farms. Yes my Combine isn't a Tax Shelter and You useless trust fund brat get a real job and see how the other half lives. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau signalled Wednesday he is open to compromise on his government's plan to tighten the small business tax regime, but he pledged to largely stay the course as he looks to collect more revenue. He looks to collect more revenue. Ah you Pissed it all away on Useless feel good selfie taking projects.

    I hope all of you who voted for this fool finally realize he really is a shit for brains.

    Now i also heard that some are upset that Brad Wall is taking on A and W. Well i think he is standing up for Beef Farmers and Should nail the Useless company who says they Cant get quality beef in Canada So are bringing in Great Beef from outside that oh has plants that have no refrigerating and no standards. its about bull shitting the Stupid public and A and W bottom line. Cheap beef.

    But critics take a swipe at the guy for standing up for Canada. We need more like this than the useless Selfie Kid or any of the others. Canada should be first the rest after. Citizens of Canada first new Canadians second. Meaning look after your old and vets and natives then the new comers. can come after the rest are looked at.

    Ok i feel better lets get to the real thing harvest progress after a week of sitting for us is at 35% by tonight.

    HRS is dry as a bone and we have the first shitty 1000 acres in the bin and now on to the rest of our wheat thats on better land. Yes the better dirt did grow a very nice HRS crop. Early HRS that ran out of moisture is about 25% below normal but the later is Above. Wheat is amazing plant. Doing the math on yield with foot spacing heads in a foot and seeds on a head adjust for weight and then times factor of .0016 really does work. Very happy with last couple thousand acres of wheat. Kind of fun to combine and see how the rest of you did it when we were flooded. Less fuel hell my Deeres almost burn nothing. HA HA. Nice sample because its dry. And No running the dryers day and night then going to the elevator only to have them pick the sample apart and say its nice looking but a three or feed because of disease. Yes even if you sprayed twice. This year the only problem with HRS is Protein. Cant figure it out. Low. Now were doing some tests with our Anhydrous stabilizer we used in spring and some early findings are maybe two points better protein. If thats true it did pay to use. Still early ill get back with results after harvest. Yes we did spray for disease, because at just before heading it was wet in this crop.
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    Barley is done in our area and most fields are harrowed baled or even worked the low areas.

    Oats is a crop of two results either 55 bus or 130 bus. Its all about a shower that went through and seeding timing or seeding date. Just doesn't make sense. also lighter than Normal.

    My organic neighbour is on his flax. Few fields of early are harvested strait in area. Flax production will be down as only one field all way from Regina out looks like a keeper. Its our seed growers and its a nice field. Rest look like shit.

    Durum is swath in area and don't know what kind of yields or disease.

    Corn needs rain and another month we had none so really won't be great. Silage will be ok but way down amout than normal.

    Soy has issues all year and maybe it just wast the year. I hear Manitoba telling the world well make a crop again. Yea probably but they are in full shut down mode and last year they were still making pods and lots. Yield will be down. Lots of new growers won't get their seed costs back. You need rain in august and no cool nights we had 4 so far since august first.

    Peas are done every where from 22 to 55 in our area. Normal growers did ok the new guys well lets just say the peas won't pay the rent.

    Canola the retarded sister. Early results are the grain cart guy and truckers are reading manuals and sleeping. Just saying. Later has promise but bertha did get some not sure if spraying would of paid will tell at harvest. Damage is min. One rain in July would of been awesome just flicking awesome.
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ID:	777715

    Pastures are dropping every day and a fall rain is really needed. Green feed seeded July first is doing ok but one rain it would have been awesome.

    So basically harvest is on. Rain has stayed away now that we are combining. Last year you would go three days sit 4 and then maybe two then sit five then get a break and go 5 and sit a week. Harvest ended Nov 26th 2016. Rain years weren't fun and this year every one has a smile. No getting stuck no how wet is the sample no. We need more fuel. Go get a accelerator belt. Bring the tool to unplug the accelerator. Two is down blown cylinder belt. Etc etc etc. Fall work was never done as harvesting till freeze up and playing in the mud.

    So yes a dryer year for us was what the Dr ordered. Fields are mostly back to end to end. Fall work might actually get done and one nice fall rain and 2018 is on its way being a great start. Yes i was stressed in July as 45 days with no rain is tough to take. My theory of 4 timely 1 inch rains all year works but when you miss the one in July the plants have to grow down to survive. Canola will be the only disappointing crop that we pay way to much for seed. Oh wait soy will also be that crop our area that maybe most should have left for one more year. Ill grow them again when they can go from start to finish in 90 days or 100. till that time ill sit and watch from the side lines. Thats coming from a soy cheerleader who has grown them 6 out of the last 8 years.

    So be safe have a great harvest and for the first time in 15 or more years so far its been a fun harvest on this farm.

    Take care the ones at home are way more important than any crop that the companies will try to take.

    Originally posted by SASKFARMER3 View Post

    ...So are bringing in Great Beef from outside that oh has plants that have no refrigerating and no standards. its about bull shitting the Stupid public and A and W bottom line.
    Talk about bullshitting - where are the plants that have "no refrigerating"? Please supply us with the names of the plants and the countries they are in so we can check out your allegations.


      Ah what's that chirp. Oh a parasite. Yep first out of the block. Your a beef farmer and are so stupid that your cutting down a guy who is a cheer leader for Canadian beef. Your a real special kind of stupid. A and W is using slick adds to screw Canadian farmers but really it's about bringing in cheap beef for the company to protect the bottom line.
      Canadian beef is awsome.


        Good report.

        You are right it's sure easier to harvest when you can drive trucks on all fields vs muddy conditions.
        The roads are firming up as well, another benefit.

        Barley that has come off here is 96-97% plump, protein 10-12%. Good quality, no disease or chitted.

        Canola that was mudded in is a low yield, green going out quick and very dry.

        HRS Wheat is getting close to harvesting.


          See lots of wheat and barley straw being baled, wonder where all the demand is coming from.
          Net wrap and conventional cylinder combines work best.
          Glad to not have cattle feed to worry about.


            Another great report SF3.....I can't believe the lack of green count in the first canola we started on and only 9 days after cutting. 5% moisture sucks though.


              .....everything else I said before plus flax is running in the high teens....doubt it will make 20, just too many bad spots (sand and stingy hilltops). You guys with a decent crop better count your lucky stars. ...thank God we have no land payments or stoopid high rents to pay.

              Pastures are gross. One guy is waiting for us to finish harvesting a flax field so he can chase his cows home across it.

              Ghetto farming. ....


                I cannot remember pastures in such bad shape. 1988 was better here


                  We DRYland farm in SW Alberta. Finished combining yesterday. As yields are variable from field to field, always farm to farm and everyone usually has winners and losers, I will use percentages. One disclaimer on my info is that we did have scattered hail last year.
                  Fd Barley- 2017=116% of 2016. 100% of 3 yr average
                  HRSW -2017=77% of 2016. 83% of 3 yr average
                  Winter Wht-2017=128% of 2016. 100% of 3 yr. average
                  Canola- 2017=72% of 2016. 72% of 3 yr. average
                  Field Peas- Our first time growing them. On a quarter section. 1/2-2/3-3/4-??of what the neighbours are saying but not good!!
                  Would like to thanks all the constructive posters for my morning coffee reading. I do miss Cotton's contributions even though I never met the gentleman.


                    I've seen some disturbing "percent of normal" moisture maps of Western Canada lately so the yeild results here aren't much of a surprise. Throw in some land quality issues and BAM, Ghetto yeilds!


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