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Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

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    Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

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ID:	777739

    Well the past week took a very dry canola crop back to decent shape at 10 to 12 moisture and i would like to thank all the big hitters who just had to go and delivered such nice dry stuff into the terminals. I thank you.

    I am not trying to pick on any one but some times the first out of the gate just doesn't work and some times it does. This year in our area the early seeded isn't as nice. Simply the timing of the first rain in June 14 and where the crop was at.

    I always said you can have all the best plans in the world the best equipment in the country the best of intentions and guess what mother nature picks the winners and losers every year.

    Speaking of a loser our great Pm is at it again with his stubborn Trudeau side. I can't wait till he realizes we all hate him and starts giving us all the finger like his old man. This tax thing is his way to screw the ones who didn't vote for him. Funny part it was his great grand father who created his wealth today with a Small business and turned that into what he has today. Funny he is to stupid to realize that.
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    Ok enough about politics here is the crop report. Were at the 80% point and with some luck by Monday or Tuesday it could be done. Oh a rain event is on its way for Sunday. Dryer is ready to go.

    HRS is all but done and its simple to describe a 1000 acres was totally awful and the rest was real nice. Two areas one more rain one basically shit all. But more in the area with rain than the home area. Rain does make grain on a very dry year. Feed wheat has idiotic yield this year but later seeded and to bad price sucks.

    Barley is mostly malt on early and middle and late not making the grade. Sucks to have malt as they think its worth the same as feed. See finger above for how i feel.

    Oats some out the early on lighter land light the better land better yield and weight late still out.

    Flax is just starting to come off lots swath and rest waiting to take strait.

    Canola the strait vs the swath funny both going after these mist showers same time. Some times the swath sooner as it isn't soaked through. Lighter land and missed rain sure showed up difference in yield is 50% from our worst to the best. Easily 1000 acres were in this area. Later seeded in our area probably has one of the nicest fields of strait cut for yield height of crop and harvest pleasure. It is awesome not mine but wow is it a nice half section. RR Canola.
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ID:	777741

    Soy some are starting and early results are its no 2016. Half one friend to the east said. I have always been a fan of soy as one of the early suckers to get into the game. But over time learned a lot and realized like our leader its just not ready. Dry summers like we use to get don't help. Will decide this winter if we get back in as some new varieties are getting close. Close maybe isn't just ready yet. Funny here is a example if Soy A yields 24 and the guy did a great marketing job top notch and got 12 it is 288 a acre. x 1000 acres is $288,000.00. Not bad hey. Now Canola B averaged say 60 just saying and farmer B did so so on marketing and got 11.25. or 675 a acre or on the similar 1000 $675000.00. Who did better. Its new math so some might think farmer A. Yes the yield was good here as did have one rain in July that caught the area. to the East. Simply its a example but in some areas true example. Now if your in the Garden state of Swan River and your Soy yielded similar to your Canola the Soy wins. I can't argue with that.

    Pastures are on hold.

    So rain total is now at 3/4 of a inch for the fall of 2017 still would like to see 3.25 more before freeze up. Funny thing this open end to end fields is sure fun and easy on equipment going up and back. We needed a dry run. But the one question every one in our area is asking What the Hell would the crop of been if we had just one Nice slow rain in July. How fracking big would it have been. Oh well it seems were almost back as now every one is working slough bottoms flats cutting cattails and doing full fields with cultivator or lemkin or pro till or kelly. Or jus water runs. Some ditching sorry landscaping but not to drain water to smooth out ruts that got just way out of hand. Long fall is what we need to get this land back in pre flood years shape but so far with a little luck 2018 could be the one.

    Ah farming its always next year country.

    Stay safe and remember the ones at home are way more important than any crop.

    Light shower overnight it settled the dust maybe we will start at 11 or 12 today. Spray a field or two



      Now need Fendt Massey


        We always change the Deere concaves. Have three spAir new Deere ones in the Quonset.


          Under 2000 to go!


            This thread sure is quiet this week.

            As most of you know we are basically done...afew pot holes tomorrow and that is it.

            Sprayed some stubble today and a couple of days ago. Diquatted pea stubble go it and a bit of other dirt. We did the big tour and there is basically NOTHING to spray for on some fields...so we won't!!!!!

            Glyphosate is "economical" but it still wouldn't pay! Really no thistles on those fields and only .23 inches of rain lately wasn't enough to kickstart any new growth. Even if something would have germinated...it would have died off because it is bone dry below!

            Fall tillage of low spots is on hold....don't want to bring up soccer ball sized lumps and don't own a VT machine. Not even heavy harrowing much..... not a lot of crop residue to worry about....and don't want to smash the canola stubble to the ground....I want to trap as much snow as possible.

            Still hoping for moisture reserve replenishing rains....man its dry here....kinda tapped out!


              Great news Farma, Lerner suggests 2.3" for you by Oct 3! Tell us if that happens....


                Well hopefully last day with the header.
                Should finish the soybeans today .
                Clean header off and put er away .
                Very impressed how the header worked in peas , wheat , canola and now soybeans .
                Some varieties are short, and dry ridges the soybeans are extremely short with pods touching the ground . That thing is shaving the ground very well with little loss .
                Was apprehensive on a 45 ft but not now.
                They have a few little updates to do but that 3165 Terra Flex has been the best overall header I have ever used .
                Just have to wait now for our Blair witch project...... the reseeed canola . Could be a homemade scary event cause it could be close to Halloween before we get er lol.
                Also it's a Dekalb variety, so chances are it will look like skittles 🙄


                  Hmmm , forgot the picture ....


                    Here in the Slum of the Ghetto, a 45 foot header would get stuck between some of the hills.


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