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Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

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    Originally posted by fjlip View Post
    Great news Farma, Lerner suggests 2.3" for you by Oct 3! Tell us if that happens....
    Let's just say, "I'm not holding my breath"


      Crossed half way last night.
      Hopefully finish wheat before snow showers on Monday. All canola left.


        Need four inches rain this fall to fill up the ground. Almost have one so far. Hopefully two sections left of canola Sunday for October. Dryer is cleaned and ready to go wet and dry bin empty and bags ready for portable storage till dryer catches up.
        Fun harvest continues first time in years.



          Just started swathing canola here and that's it for harvest so far. Going to go try some wheat tomorrow as long as the weather holds. Don't want to swath any cereals as last week we got 3 inches of rain and the week before 1.5 and snow is still forecasted in a few days. Most guys are just getting going up here.

          This was a shot from the nice spot in the field that got harvested this spring. The other 2/3 was unharvested and got worked under instead and you can keep keep an eye on the cutterbar while cutting since it's that pathetic. Too embarrassed to take a picture of it ( probably 5 bu/ac). I'll be glad just to get this crop off this year instead of last years wreck and get things in shape for next year.


            Wow , hope the best for you woodland . This is why it bothers me me when other cry boo hoo . Some don't have a clue on hard times , not even remotely.


              Thanks furrow.

              Last year the only combining we did was 2 days in September, 2 days in October, 1 day in November and 3 days in December. Ended up using the disc on half the crop in the spring and harrowed the canola on June 5.

              Didn't have production insurance but had lack of moisture coverage as I thought that was our biggest risk so no crop insurance payout. This year we maxed out the all risk coverage and it has taken most of the anxiety away as long as I'm not the only one that gets snowed under. We need probably three weeks of decent weather for everyone to get wrapped up here. Kinda seems like a long shot since this was the same field (almost the exact same spot) on October 5 last year.


                Boy woodland is that crop ever green. Was that taken in the last day or so? Heavy too! My goodness it will have to lay there for a while to cure. ....hope you get a long open fall where you are.


                  Good post woodland.

                  Sums up what your area had.

                  Some on here will be with you then they will challenge you its not that bad and after years of dealing with the ugly weather when it finally is a year to celebrate they attack you.

                  Weather sets up for some areas and just knocks the shit out of it. South of our main town they had awesome years the rain events started their but picked up as they headed to foam lake area and beyond then some times turned around and headed back but stopped or ended before hitting their.

                  This year north of town is pulling off some amazing things but the rain events finally stopped and wow normal is here.

                  Getting 20 or 30 inches of rain wasn't normal for sask but it did happen and flooding of big quill happened and so did all the other flooding.

                  This year was needed to get land back into production after all the shitty years.

                  Here is a funny fact what if this year is repeated for the next ten will we be saying again the SW should not grow grain and be sent back to pasture and cattle.

                  I won't every be on saying that because were all farmers and one thing is certain in Canada ok maybe two Trudeau's will F#$K up this country and so will our weather make or Take farmers.

                  Down to 1400 acres but my fall rain event maybe is coming.



                    Great first picture at the beginning of the tread. Lining up all four combine and the two semis. Taking time out of your busy schedule to place all the equipment in order just so that everything fits in the picture. Breathtaking!!! Then there's the picture of the so called drought stricken canola swaths!

                    Just wondering, do you really think this is beneficial to other farmers who may be suffering from a true drought and dealing with financial hardship because of it . Not to mention what the trade and government agencies think, "drought what drought look at the swaths".

                    No different then when you called out other farmers from Manitoba for stating what their yields were to the media during harvest!

                    In either case, it's out there for the public!


                      If you want to see what true drought looks like look at page 5 of this weeks Western Producer. We had a leaner crop than I'd like but under the circumstances our wheat did ok... not so much the flax, canola and peas though, but it still could have been worse.

                      ....will be watching the radar and satellite imagery closely over the next three or so days. I hope we get slammed by this low pressure system that is supposedly coming out way.

                      Seems to be a lack of sympathy and empathy by some.... it's all about me! Too bad everyone couldn't get what they "want". I'll deal with what I "get".


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