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THIS IS A MUST READ ! re; Liberal tax changes.

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    Sounds like maybe someone should change their name to Big Liberal.


      Originally posted by SASKFARMER3 View Post
      Big wheel you sure your actually got anything. You sound most times like a basement dwelling Liberal.

      Income splitting was good.

      Handing the farm to family was good.

      Tax free savings forced savings and actually was a Good Thing but JT cut it in half.

      Then now the carbon tax yet us farmers help the environment.

      Finally the new tax rules to get the bad guys yet all his liberal friends have offshore tax hiding schemes. Ah to be a liberal.

      Even Ralph doesn’t believe the billshit he just is a good liar.

      Ah sunny ways in useless Trudeau run Canada.
      sounds like big wheel lives in moms basement


        Originally posted by Oliver88 View Post
        Sounds like maybe someone should change their name to Big Liberal.
        Or to "I wished I was a farmer"


          Don't be so rough on old saskfarmer you guys it's tough to know what a drought or flood is, converting to a liberal isn't going to help that maybe some medication or less weed maybe, and it's impolite to speak about his living arrangement with mom!

          And on a serious note. How will changes affect the Hutterites? I don't see anything specific to those specific arrangements. They ve had an unfair advantage all along here not paying and thriving while using our services we pay for will they not be able to split income with the kids anymore?


            When the hutterites start their consultation with the federal government about these changes there will be a rollback of attitude......hutterites have the ear of government and the government will listen.....


              There should have been something done about the Hutterites a long time ago. Let's see limiting taxes by splitting income with all the kids that sometimes fathered by strangers all living under one roof??

              Bucket you may be right they are a communistic system so maybe they have some pull with selfie.

              Hopefully the Ontario farmers also get vocal. The groups out here are so lame waste of time.



                This is a link to an article written by Wolfson, he and I have a radically different ideal of what a corporation looks like but in that may be the root of the problem here. I see our business that is multi generational resource based and in fact a separate thing from myself . And he sees it as a single person incorporating for one career span as a shield from taxation. Perhaps rather than trying to develop a large net one size fits all approach the finance minister needs to be working on a solution that accepts this.
                ( and maybe he is will shall now wait and see)

                As far as the colonies they are a whole different ball of wax. Does a commune ever have inter generational transfer questions or does it skirt all these issues that the proposed tax changes has brought to non communal family farms?


                  Big wheel

                  When you look at the size of colonies collectively....that's a pretty big force and quite an economic driver with essentially slave labour. ....they would be the equivalent in the industry to GM is in the auto industry....

                  When the overall powerhead of the hutterite group decides to talk to morneau ....he will listen or be forced to.....they will go in with a powerful lobby...

                  The average 5000 acre farm is a dinosaur and morneau wants to make them extinct. ..not so easy to rid the planet of the hutterites ....
                  Last edited by bucket; Oct 3, 2017, 07:39.


                    Good question McNuggets perhaps these changes will even give more advantages to the colonies? Something needs to be done there regardless. Where are our farm groups? I don't know why it's almost taboo to speak about them. They've always been a serious threat to farm communities.


                      Yup they pretty much play the game by a whole different play book than the " traditional" family farms I'm sure you'll figure it out you seem to have all the angles covered.
                      Peddle safe out there.
                      Click image for larger version

Name:	big wheel.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	12.7 KB
ID:	766029
                      Last edited by mcfarms; Oct 3, 2017, 09:25.


                        Lol nice wheels your drivin there!

                        And no I m not worried your accountant should have been doing things already mine have.


                          Originally posted by Klause View Post
                          Uruguay is looking better every day...
                          I'll come too. Cheap taxes beautiful land two crops laid back culture extremely friendly people and doesn't have Argentina political mess.


                            [QUOTE=Bowerpower;357892]I'll come too. Cheap taxes beautiful land two crops laid back culture extremely friendly people and doesn't have Argentina political mess.[/

                            Should buzz down there and have a good look. Anyone been there?


                              Originally posted by Bowerpower View Post
                              I'll come too. Cheap taxes beautiful land two crops laid back culture extremely friendly people and doesn't have Argentina political mess.[/

                              Should buzz down there and have a good look. Anyone been there?


                              They legalized pot... Capitalist reforms really helped the country but it's socialism was never bad... We used to vacation there when living in Argentina.

                              People believe in each other and in working on handshakes in person.

                              Very little hard crime even in the cities... Mostly petty pick pocketing and such.

                              The land is very fertile. Grows great crops. You have a long harvest and seeding season.

                              Very close to ports.

                              Very good private education system... Not that expensive.

                              Health insurance is $200 a month... Plus $35 every time you visit a doctor's office.

                              Views are beautiful and very good land can be had for $1500 an acre CAD.

                              Labour I'd very cheap and I you treat the locals well they will treat you well too. Gotta get used to the laid back attitude though.

                              Some of the best land is between route 12 and 21... In the south west.

                              If you want big city life it's a half hour ferry ride to buenos Aires.

                              The area between Tala and Saun Bautista is also very good.

                              Beans wheat corn eucalyptus common. As is some coffee.


                                When we were in Frankfurt we met a fellow who moved his family there. He had amassed $700,000 working on oil exploration and had a teenage family. He said he bought a house in a gated area and sent his kids to private school, had gardeners and servants. According to him they lived like kings, cigarettes were under 20 cents a pack and gasoline also dirt cheap. That was about ten years ago.


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