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Western Seperation not run by dummies

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    Western Seperation not run by dummies

    So there is certainly a rise in rhetoric about seperation. Lead by politicians that have their own interests in mind but do they have the brains to actually do this in a way that has our interest in mind? Mr wall is going the childish route of either you give us a pipeline or I m taking my toys and going home. Who s interest does this serve? His own he s out and would have been clobbered here in sask so now it's show the west I m your guy it's his last straw attempt at politics in which the only way he wins is if the country is broken up. Which really shows that he mislead everyone that he wants family time. If he doesn't win he simply goes home and cashes in on all his earned oil shares and God knows what ever else he got into with the deal makers in the headlines recently. But what do we end up with?

    Given his ability to think things through has he answered these questions

    If we seperate will that ever get us a pipeline east? Never
    Who will pay the First Nations their annual fees?
    Will the army be ours because we ll need it domestically there is a mistake to think that if we seperate all the oil conservatives will be running everything, really? Ndp govs in Alberta and Bc already and one waiting in saskatchewan

    When we calculate the transfer payments going east how much money comes back for health care, farm programs, social assistance roads major projects army. Not a smart ass question either what are those numbers??

    It would be curious to know how would the world react? Would they buy oil from the dirty oil producing region? I bet the spin would be dirty oil producing region seperates Canada amid not wanting to adhere to clean environment production.
    Where would that leave us?

    Also no matter what side of the environment thing your on the world is moving towards non oil energy. So where would that leave us long term?

    The taxes for carbon, property, immigration wreck, the pipeline cancel i whole heartedly disagree with these, and they are all detrimental to the west.
    But could we please have someone step forward that has our interests at heart first to deal with these things. There must be someone!!!

    People of all parties out west need to stop fighting amongst themselves and realize these issues need to be answered together not seperately. Relying on someone that obviously had no clue with numbers to lead the way is a big mistake.
    We re being taxed to death right here at home. and everything he can get his hands on to sell to pay for his incompetence, is that really who we need leading this thing?

    We ve been doing this thing where the political people out west ramp up the rhetoric to fight the east so they get full support here and they do and then what happens we get fkd they have good political jobs. Over and over again.

    Just my opinion on a thanksgiving day.

    Ill disagree with you, Wall is standing up for western Canada. Your winner in Alberta thought JT would do the pipeline if she gave in and did his Carbon tax.
    Yea that worked so good from the little piss ant down east.

    He is his fathers son except he has his mothers brains.

    We can't keep sending cash to useless provinces that run deficits and expect us to keep sending cash.

    Its time to call their bluff and leave.

    I for one would rather be a USA state than part of Canada any day.

    The East will destroy canada till their is nothing left to destroy. Then we will be Greece. Italy Portugal and Spain.


      Recall returning to Canada from overseas thirty five years ago.
      Lady in next seat was telling me about election of separatist MP.
      Thought then, and still do, that separatism would be a mistake.
      We have it pretty good in Canada, why spoil a good thing?



        "I for one would rather be a USA state than part of Canada any day."

        Boy you sure like to blow a lot of smoke. Here you are living on the north side of the 49th yapping away that you would rather be an American. Yet you enjoy all the benefits of universal health care, a majority of your children's post secondary education covered, not to mention if you have sons they have to register for the draft when they turned 18 year old if you live in the USA.

        You'd never be a good poker player because everybody on Agriville knows your the biggest bluffer on here. It's just like all the complaining you did about the so call drought you were going through this summer it never even happen.

        Just because you holiday down south half the year, you really enjoy that security blanket of knowing you could go back to Canada any day you want.

        Your just so full of shit it's hare to handle most of the time!


          We have it pretty good hey.

          So we send money and they hold us land locked.

          yea its a great system.

          Time to do like all parents who have ever had a son or daughter that had a continued drug problem.

          Stop helping out and let the chips fall where they might.

          I think Quebec is the kid with a drug problem and we have taken them to every addiction centre and bailed them out of every thing and stood with them through thick and thin but finally when they realize they have a problem and deal with it nothing will change.

          its tough medicine but its time Ontario and Quebec get what they deserve.

          Great country it was but one area has destroyed it.


            Originally posted by the big wheel View Post
            So there is certainly a rise in rhetoric about seperation. Lead by politicians that have their own interests in mind but do they have the brains to actually do this in a way that has our interest in mind? Mr wall is going the childish route of either you give us a pipeline or I m taking my toys and going home. Who s interest does this serve? His own he s out and would have been clobbered here in sask so now it's show the west I m your guy it's his last straw attempt at politics in which the only way he wins is if the country is broken up. Which really shows that he mislead everyone that he wants family time. If he doesn't win he simply goes home and cashes in on all his earned oil shares and God knows what ever else he got into with the deal makers in the headlines recently. But what do we end up with?

            Given his ability to think things through has he answered these questions

            If we seperate will that ever get us a pipeline east? Never
            Who will pay the First Nations their annual fees?
            Will the army be ours because we ll need it domestically there is a mistake to think that if we seperate all the oil conservatives will be running everything, really? Ndp govs in Alberta and Bc already and one waiting in saskatchewan

            When we calculate the transfer payments going east how much money comes back for health care, farm programs, social assistance roads major projects army. Not a smart ass question either what are those numbers??

            It would be curious to know how would the world react? Would they buy oil from the dirty oil producing region? I bet the spin would be dirty oil producing region seperates Canada amid not wanting to adhere to clean environment production.
            Where would that leave us?

            Also no matter what side of the environment thing your on the world is moving towards non oil energy. So where would that leave us long term?

            The taxes for carbon, property, immigration wreck, the pipeline cancel i whole heartedly disagree with these, and they are all detrimental to the west.
            But could we please have someone step forward that has our interests at heart first to deal with these things. There must be someone!!!

            People of all parties out west need to stop fighting amongst themselves and realize these issues need to be answered together not seperately. Relying on someone that obviously had no clue with numbers to lead the way is a big mistake.
            We re being taxed to death right here at home. and everything he can get his hands on to sell to pay for his incompetence, is that really who we need leading this thing?

            We ve been doing this thing where the political people out west ramp up the rhetoric to fight the east so they get full support here and they do and then what happens we get fkd they have good political jobs. Over and over again.

            Just my opinion on a thanksgiving day.
            Several good questions but the reality is there is very little support for separation. only a small fraction would even consider it. Western resource based provinces aren't in a position to fund much of anything let alone balance the books in the next few years. There isn't a mainstream party that would ever dream of running on the issue. This is one of the best countries in the world with a very high statndard of living for most residents. Resource based provinces have always gone through ups and downs based on fickle markets. If you want to change that then diversify the economy. I doubt there are very many countries that the chronic complainers wouldn't complain about. there are always people who are never happy no matter how good they have it.


              Separation sentiment is deeper in Western Canada than many realize, and indeed the recent events remind us why. However Alberta and Saskatchewan most hurt by this move need to demand change to this badly calculated dividend with a flawed formula, and a calculation based on billions on unaccredited net income.

              The reality is this the equalization formula needs to change:
              1/ predominantly because Alberta and Saskatchewan can no longer afford the transfer
              2/ The formula was intentionally flawed from the get go.
              3/ Quebec gets large payments also due to the unreported income from the underground economy, as the % of underground economy is unreported net income, and in Quebec according to statistic Canada they have the highest % in Canada. As noted in the editorial of ANDREW POTTER, Andrew Potter WAS the Director of the McGill Institute for the Study of Canada in an editorial that got hims fired:

              "We’re talking here about a place where some restaurants offer you two bills: one for if you’re paying cash, and another if you’re paying by a more traceable mechanism. And it’s not just restaurants and the various housing contractors or garage owners who insist on cash—it’s also the family doctor, or the ultrasound clinic...
              Quebec does have the largest underground economy as a proportion of GDP in Canada... results from Statistics Canada’s 2013"


              The equalization formula needs to change. Lets see if JT II and his band of fairness MPs have the vision to do this?


                See forage your full of shit.

                I have a medical insurance that costs me and my family 286 a month premium. Yes this is so we can stay in USA and have some extra things for Canada.

                You sound like a typical NDP or Liberal keep paying and taking all is good nothing to see.

                My American relatives both the farm side and city folk are way ahead of us in canada any day.

                Your boy JT is just showing us all how he hates the west and will do anything to destroy it for the better good of eastern Canada.

                Thats a country.


                  Originally posted by SASKFARMER3 View Post
                  We have it pretty good hey.

                  So we send money and they hold us land locked.

                  yea its a great system.

                  Time to do like all parents who have ever had a son or daughter that had a continued drug problem.

                  Stop helping out and let the chips fall where they might.

                  I think Quebec is the kid with a drug problem and we have taken them to every addiction centre and bailed them out of every thing and stood with them through thick and thin but finally when they realize they have a problem and deal with it nothing will change.

                  its tough medicine but its time Ontario and Quebec get what they deserve.

                  Great country it was but one area has destroyed it.
                  Equalization is a federal program paid for by all taxpayers including in Quebec. And anyway after all the bullshit from you that your crops are always bad are you profitable enough to pay any taxes? It sounds like you barely get by with only 3 or 4 southern holidays a year! Must suck to be you! Why don't you just sell out and move to the US? I am sure you would be happier there.


                    Good points Vicky!
                    Some on here may think I m just making a political statement and I m not, I m just trying to get all the facts of this mess.
                    For one if we are paying all this equalization that means we re making all this money, so the question is why are we considering ourselves broke? Why is our government broke?
                    Does equalization take after net income or gross income? Does it take after our province taxes or before? If we re broke who's taking all the money? If it's after tax then somebody here isn't paying enough tax, those taxes would be used here instead of sent to the east and we wouldn't be in a local deficit would we?

                    That underground economy if corrected would be a huge difference.

                    Does anyone know how much money comes back to saskatxhewan as compared to what we send in equalization?


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