Looking for comment on the fall price calculation for the Variable Price Benefit and Spring Price Endorsement.
1) Do you understand the process for calculating the fall crop insurance values?
2) Should AFSC/Crop Insurance extend the period over which the average prices are calculated (eg. Aug. to Nov.)? Thoughts on the time period?
3) Do the reference markets in the calculations make sense? Converted MGE price for wheat? US bean markets? A reference price for feed peas? Thoughts on basis/adjustment process for feed oats that would relate to the CBT oat futures price?
1) Do you understand the process for calculating the fall crop insurance values?
2) Should AFSC/Crop Insurance extend the period over which the average prices are calculated (eg. Aug. to Nov.)? Thoughts on the time period?
3) Do the reference markets in the calculations make sense? Converted MGE price for wheat? US bean markets? A reference price for feed peas? Thoughts on basis/adjustment process for feed oats that would relate to the CBT oat futures price?