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Niqab in Quebec.

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    Niqab in Quebec.

    Has Quebec crossed the line with the passed new law?
    Photo ID is useless with a Niqab. Maybe I want to wear a balaclava or cover my lower face with a bandana where ever I go...to vote, the bank, anywhere!

    I think Canada became a little less Canadian when they allowed turban wearing RCMP....One of our national symbols.
    Last edited by farmaholic; Oct 18, 2017, 21:53.

    Originally posted by farmaholic View Post
    Has Quebec crossed the line with the passed new law?
    Photo ID is useless with a Niqab. Maybe I want to wear a balaclava or cover my lower face with a bandana where ever I go...to vote, the bank, anywhere!

    I think Canada became a little less Canadian when they allowed turban wearing RCMP....One of our national symbols.
    Absolutely agree...down the slippery slope into the Politically Correct shit...


      Don't worry, some Toronto teachers are offsetting the Quebec attitude by teaching their classrooms full of other people's kids that they need to feel white guilt and check their privilege.

      Telling a young chap that he cannot have an accurate/objective opinion because he is a white male. Grounds for legal action.

      This is nothing short of psychological abuse at its worst -the powerful bullying the vulnerable.

      Dark is good and white is wrong.

      A fine example of social engineering beginning at the youngest age, working on the most vulnerable, set out by the worst models this country has.


      Obviously, Quebec just needs more "education".

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Higher Education.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	72.0 KB
ID:	766049
      Last edited by burnt; Oct 19, 2017, 03:05.


        It will be very interesting to watch this pal out and whether Quebec can enforce the "no niqab law". The first public service to be exempted is the city buses. The drivers may not be able to deny service because the riders come from both sides of the river.


          Originally posted by burnt View Post
          Don't worry, some Toronto teachers are offsetting the Quebec attitude by teaching their classrooms full of other people's kids that they need to feel white guilt and check their privilege.

          Telling a young chap that he cannot have an accurate/objective opinion because he is a white male. Grounds for legal action.

          This is nothing short of psychological abuse at its worst -the powerful bullying the vulnerable.

          Dark is good and white is wrong.

          A fine example of social engineering beginning at the youngest age, working on the most vulnerable, set out by the worst models this country has.


          Obviously, Quebec just needs more "education".

          Burnt are you opposed to treating everyone equally under the law? It sure seems that way. Playing this white victim bullshit card is pretty funny. You seem to be leaning towards white nationalism. Do you have any understanding of the history of visible minorities and how they have been and are currently treated? It doesn't seem so. Kids aren't born racists or bigots. They often learn it from their parents or peers.


            Chuck, I think it goes both ways. Dont just assume hatred is only brought on the white people to their children. It will continue to happen but we need to stop it. How? No idea because of the chance that someones feelings get hurt. We need someone in govt that tells it like it is.

            On a side, did anyone find that the story about Gord Downie's life somehow turned into a story about the indians rather than his life? I thought it was a terrible piece by ctv regina.


              Chuck my grandfathers and grand mothers came here with basically the clothes on their back they were given not the best land because the English got that but slowly with some luck and perseverance they slowly bought out the English in our area and moved on.

              Thats not like now coming to a country, no walking across a boarder, try that with russia or some other country see how well that goes. Then getting free medical school etc and paying a income at beginning but once your canadian if you don't want to work can't work we look after you for life.

              Am i a white privileged person. No just a Canadian who pays tax and is almost fed up with a Liberal system that when the shit finally hits the fan Trudeau will be sitting with his family as a landed immigrant in some Private island as the rest of us pick up the pieces if we can or we are shot and all the hard work of our for fathers is taken away.

              Im not being a racist or anything but crossing the border to become canadian is Bullshit. Do it like every one else and its fine but realize this is our country if your coming here adapt to our ways don't make me as a Canadian change my way of life.

              Come if you want to really come to canada practice your own religion where ever but don't make me change.


                on your land thread the guy who bought in your area and left the area i have land in should of stayed he would of had a great return on his money now. But he sold early took his cash and rebought.


                  Originally posted by SASKFARMER3 View Post
                  on your land thread the guy who bought in your area and left the area i have land in should of stayed he would of had a great return on his money now. But he sold early took his cash and rebought.
                  SF3, that post was in the wrong thread...I deleted it out of this one and put it where it belonged.


                    Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                    Burnt are you opposed to treating everyone equally under the law? It sure seems that way. Playing this white victim bullshit card is pretty funny. You seem to be leaning towards white nationalism. Do you have any understanding of the history of visible minorities and how they have been and are currently treated? It doesn't seem so. Kids aren't born racists or bigots. They often learn it from their parents or peers.
                    Oh boy, chucky, there you go again, jumping to the wrong conclusion! Oh well, glad to see you get some exercise, LOL!

                    How is expecting respectful treatment for all in the classroom equivalent to being opposed to equal treatment for all? Wow, you really misfired on this one. Again. What the politi-bot at the front of the room did to the young guy was borderline criminal.

                    Imagine if the situation was slightly different and she told a Muslim, Indigenous, Sihk kid that they could not have an objective opinion because of their background? She'd be indicted for a hate crime!

                    It appears that you support correcting mistreatment of someone by beating down and victimizing an entire people-group because of the behavior of a few. Such action, whatever you want to call it, ends in ----cide.


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