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Stop picking on Morneau
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Billy boy is a compete moron. If he couldn’t see that calling business owners tax cheats was going to anger them then is as dumb as trudeau. We as farmers should be much harder on dishonest politicians like billy boy. Making his life easy isn’t helping anyone. I wouldn’t put much faith in his business skills. He got most of his money from his dad and wife anyways. He wouldn’t have a pot to piss in if it wasn’t for what was handend to him. He’s an entitled rich liberal pice of shit. He has earned everything coming his way.Last edited by Casered; Oct 22, 2017, 08:25.
Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View PostWho is the hypocrite me, Morneau or all of us on Agriville ?
The only people who are beyond reproach are those who have never done anything to avoid taxes, who therefore have also never worked or created a job or owned a business. These are the very qualities of the people who want to take away from those of us who are productive to give to those who aren't, is that what we are encouraging?
I hate to say it but I'd rather have someone competent but lining their own pockets with a few millions in that position, Then someone completely inept stealing billions in the name of socialism. Which doesn't say much for the current state of affairs now does it?
I think most of you misunderstood me. Yes, Morneau is obviously corrupt and crooked, even by the ridiculously low standards to which we hold Liberal politicians. But consider the alternatives. Is it safe to assume that this was the best of the bunch from which they had to choose to fill the finance minister position? The only Liberal MP who had any real life business experience, who has ever had to pay taxes? If this was the best choice, imagine who they might replace him with, likely someone who thinks like Turdeau, that budgets balance themselves, steal from the productive to reward the liberal voters type of attitude.
This probably says more about Liberal party members who select the candidates, and Liberal voters, that there is no one more honest and capable in the entire caucus. And how much of that is because hardworking tax paying business people don't want to expose themselves to this type of scrutiny for the meager compensation? ( the legal compensation that is, not the pocket padding that just happened)Last edited by AlbertaFarmer5; Oct 22, 2017, 10:59.
Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View PostI think most of you misunderstood me. Yes, Morneau is obviously corrupt and crooked, even by the ridiculously low standards to which we hold Liberal politicians. But consider the alternatives. Is it safe to assume that this was the best of the bunch from which they had to choose to fill the finance minister position? The only Liberal MP who had any real life business experience, who has ever had to pay taxes? If this was the best choice, imagine who they might replace him with, likely someone who thinks like Turdeau, that budgets balance themselves, steal from the productive to reward the liberal voters type of attitude.
This probably says more about Liberal party members who select the candidates, and Liberal voters, that there is no one more honest and capable in the entire caucus. And how much of that is because hardworking tax paying business people don't want to expose themselves to this type of scrutiny for the meager compensation? ( the legal compensation that is, not the pocket padding that just happened)
To think it really matter who holds the title of finance minister is laughable. When the decision are being made by Trudeau’s liberals they are going to be bad financial decisions for canada. That has been proven with the last two years of reckless spending and grabbing for taxes like a crack addicted *****. We need to demand more from our politicians and not accept failure on fears it could be worse. I think billy boy is the worst finance minister I’ve seen in my lifetime.
Originally posted by bucket View PostI found it frustrating they way he responds to questions....
My question is did the average Canadian put 650000 per month in his pocket by using the influence morneau had.....
Perhaps to be followed with the question - why are you punishing Canadian business people for imagined tax evasion?
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