I agree completely. GM crops of the future will provide solutions to the wants and needs of our customers. We must be open to that.
Right now there does not appear to be anything in the pipeline with output characteristics which would capture the imagination of the customer. Roundup Ready is an input trait which offers little in the consumers mind. Why would they want or accept that.
Fusarium resistance is the only other trait that I have heard about and that appears to be 5 years out. Again another input characteristic which although it is an indirect benefit to consumers is unlikely to become demand driven.
I agree completely. GM crops of the future will provide solutions to the wants and needs of our customers. We must be open to that.
Right now there does not appear to be anything in the pipeline with output characteristics which would capture the imagination of the customer. Roundup Ready is an input trait which offers little in the consumers mind. Why would they want or accept that.
Fusarium resistance is the only other trait that I have heard about and that appears to be 5 years out. Again another input characteristic which although it is an indirect benefit to consumers is unlikely to become demand driven.