I would say the above caption says it all its here. So cool last night ground is going to start freezing and winter is here. Just like that the Calendar changes from October to Nov and just like always winter is here.
Ah its not climate change Justin Gore or Leo its normal you morons.
So a Carbon Tax is coming and were going to pay and pay and pay.
Funny in a country where the Economy is starting to fail and the feds have corrupt ministers running departments they want to drive the last wedge into the economy and create a useless tax to finally kill it.
Great plan from a Great Liberal gov. Just can't wait.
We can discuss politics till were blue in the face but a $200.00 dollar fine to a finance minister is a Joke.
Final Crop Report..
Winter is here and yesterday we began the final stages of Million dollar Tetris. Some times you forget how you get it in the sheds but it goes, piece by piece.
Our snow coverage was min yesterday so it still allowed one last day to stone pick the landscaped area and the ground used for the new road plus a levelling of a old yard from one end to the other.
Most have said thats it for fall work for 2017 but still a few doing bush work for fence lines or actually cleaning up areas.
Only thing i wanted to do before it was called is dig a extra addition to the Burrow pit. Got it started on Saturday but other things came up and don't think this Saturday will finish. Oh well if it snows a bit the pit will fill with water and supply will be good for summer 2018.
Soil tests are done and some surprises but still Nitrogen lower down. Not as bad of use as one would expect.
Grain is being hauled and land deals are on going. Looked at a new RM map for one of the ones we have land in I would say 1/3 is now Foreign owned. Yea New Canadians Wink Wink. Oh well its a sign of the times.
Thats it till spring have a great winter.