Originally posted by chuckChuck
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That is $553,000 per job. That is an excellent ROI compared to leaving that capital in the hands of entrepreneurs to create jobs at their actual cost. I'm obviously not referring to the services we expect government to provide, I'm referring to schemes with the sole intention of job creation, such as the current green energy myth.
I don''t have to imagine a world with less carbon emissions where we are still producing commodities, we won't be we will be importing them. The rest of the world without the burden of carbon taxes will continue producing commodities at below our COP, while our producers have been driven out of business by this punitive wealth redistribution, Then we get to figure out how to pay for importing these commodities without any productive economy left. We are not isolated from the rest of the world.
Tax cuts aren't wealth redistribution, it is a reduction in redistribution, but of course when you view all income as belonging to the government, who decides what small portion we should be allowed to keep, that is the logical conclusion.
One of these green adherents was interviewed on CBC one day, and she pronounced, very proudly that for every job lost in the fossil fuels industry, three would be created in the renewables industry. Now I may not be smart enough to do such complicated math, but the only conclusion I can draw is that the energy costs must also increase by 700% to pay for those additional jobs, unless of course they work for 1/7th the cost of an energy industry worker. Yet in her mind, this was a positive for her industry, not a detriment.