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Can Canadian Ag Survive a Down Turn!

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    Can Canadian Ag Survive a Down Turn!

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    Lets look at all parts of ag or as many as we can do a analysis on.

    first Land. Highest in Province now for sales is the Swift Area south. $550,000 a quarter or $3437 a cult acre.

    That as a investment in a good fund would make min $38500 a year so basically you would need to rent it out for $240.00 a acre. Ah this is canada how is that going to work. Or buy a rental property building in same area for 1.1 mil or more with rental income or 72000 a year is 225 a acre comparison. Yes their is taxes etc but this is a example how land is not a great investment any more its a great time to sell out and say F#$K this Golfing is better.

    So lets look again on the land the above comparison is based on different investments if you really had it all in cash, now if you have the cash you need $110,000 down and finance the rest 440000. Basic 10 year mortgage locked in interest for one year payment is $55,870.00 or $349.00 a acre land payment. Thats 32 Bushels of Canola or 41 Durum as they still have markets left to sell into. Oh lets give land the benefit of the doubt do a 20 year mortgage. $34,692 a year plus taxes also have to add in. Farmer or invested with 20% down will need $216.00 a acre just to pay his payment.

    IS it just me or is something wrong with this scheme.

    Yea its like the housing boom in any Canadian City. It looks awesome to the banks and book keepers if you buy one year and then the next pay more than the year before your new purchased stuff makes your old purchased stuff look awesome. Pyramid Financing. Works if crops and prices of product keeps going up but sooner or later and we never know the tipping point but the way down takes lots out LOTS.

    Now lending institutions love when stuff is going up its great all they have to do is look at current and past and wow keep the train going forward makes head office so happy.

    But again the down side sucks.

    Ok back to land say the guy buying has 20 paid for and he's buying one or two lets use two.

    Takes over 200000 out of his savings and borrows 880 thousand. Payments $111740 a year and add to the 3200 acres he owns its $31.72 a acre if spread out over the whole farm. Hey it works not bad but lets say he doesnt own all his land lets say he has 10 paid for and rest have debt similar but bought two quarters each year starting at 100, 250 375 450 550. with payments on two each year.

    His paper Net worth looks good because the latest sale up values all his land. On paper his land has a value of $12,100,000.00 Mill with debt of $3,450,000. OR $8,650,000.00 with payment over every acre of 77. 28 still less than renting it but getting close but still can buy more. Wow its still working great lets buy next year at 600000 a quarter keep the ball rolling.

    The basic pyramid works great till something somewhere causes a glitch.

    Drought, Frost Gov changing and subsidizing and canada not, rail rain no rain insurance sounds good but payment is not good. All things add up to how the pyramid goes up and can come down.

    Im not saying the tops in but i think were getting close to the top. USA land sales peaked almost two years ago and have dropped or stabilized. USA farmers are slowing purchases of new equipment and other things. Usually what happens their hits us two to three years later.

    Its a great adventure lets see how it folds out. If your leaving ag or thinking about it or wondering what would happen if i pulled the pin payed the taxes and then came back in after its over. Well the down side depends on same things crops subsidies by others, rain hail drought grasshoppers and who knows what. I have said it before a guy i know build his first house in very good area of regina very good. Doubled the sale price and sold last boom it collapsed and he eventually bought it back for almost half. Phoenix is prime example of housing collapse. Still homes are way cheaper than Calgary regina.

    Now land you can touch feel squeeze. Where as your investments are on a piece of paper. So who knows.

    Equipment the other Pyramid scheme.

    New prices are approaching 3/4 of a mill per piece.

    Tractor , Combine Drill hell every tillage tool you need to pull is well over 100 and climbing. It just has to.

    The pyramid works great if all player follow along.

    By multiples get discount add a few acres to your farm and payments are met. Keep the ball rolling.

    Now take the increase thats mostly in the dollar value and keep the next guys down the line paying it. Then have the third and fourth trades bring the firsts down even more.

    Well it works to a point but prime example how it starts to show cracks.

    RB Auctions has thousands of implements each week.

    Use a T or four wheel drive. 5 years old or so.

    Prime guy to buy.

    Also has any one been amazed at all the new or just new equipment on Local 306 farm equipment or different farmer sites. Hell the Western Seducer even. New or almost new. Down sizing starting or what.

    Dealer 400 plus your trade worthless basically what you owe or maybe equity to get it down to 300. Auction sale same piece is 200 plus.

    Ah something doesn't add up. Oh the original expensive piece is now padded in the second sale.

    Now to all the haters this is a example not me. Ok you get that its a example. Most good old style lenders know that farm equipment has very little equity in it if reality rears its ugly head.

    So Farmers its a game and its one were losing.

    Now lets look at inputs in Canada we pay pay and pay because hell the new miracle glue will give you 2 bushel advantage in perfect conditions. ha how many have that year after year. Or IT snowed in Texas have to increase the costs on Canadian production because their is a shortage in Texas. Again over and over.

    Dont think we pay find a friend look travel or phone a old friend find out what others pay in South America or Russia for inputs. Hell explain why companies that are based in USA sell new iron thats maybe one or two series back for pennies on the dollar compared to what we pay here. No useless Carbon bullshit or all the save the world things. Just basic iron. Now tell me how we can compete.

    Their is a new super power in AG developing and its going to explode. Its Ag in China, Russia or former soviet union and South America.

    These players aren't or don't have to follow the rules as set up in Canada or USA. Who actually believes Monsanto is getting paid a fee in China Russia or South America. Really deep down who actually believes were on the same page.

    Now yes they have issues as all farmers do with transportation. But Russia is looking into freight and trains. Hell have the Army manage the railway why not it works for the Mighty Mississippi. Or Let China build rail or ports to get product out back to china.

    See its all nice to be boy scouts to the world but the world is cruel and will eat up the boy scouts if we dont get our shit together.

    Then it begins with counties turning down shipments of product because of Ergot or China cant buy Canola game or Tarif on Peas 50% or the USA gets pissed and starts subsidizing again AG. Some say it cant happen well it does and are these signs of whats coming. No one wants to pay lots for food and every game will happen to get cheap food.

    A crash in Canada would take us to third world this time with Amount of debt farmers carry if all deflates in price.

    Sorry for the rant its just some thing to think about in this game we call ag. Maybe I'm wrong. Hell Bousquet use to preach and preach wheat was going to the moon then after he passes it hits finally the 22. yes it hit but only for a very short time. So your either right wrong or just coasting.

    What are others thinking.

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ID:	777793 equipment is still going to other countries with No carbon playing games at way less money and companies are producing these in North America and US poor fools have to pay and pay.

    Ok wise guy thats all great comments but explain in examples why how it works because im thinking one swipe and were all done.

    On equipment it doesnt matter if your red green blue or orange. its all the same.


      Oh just got a hot text on Yellow peas 70000 bushels at $6.00 grab it while its still hot.

      Yea AG is in a up trend.


        Don't be sorry. I could read your "rants" any day.

        But the truth is that for a a long time already, the only red, green or blue I could buy was in the toy section.

        But hey, I get as much satisfaction playing with that stuff on the front room floor with my grandkids as I used to get running it in the fields. We even use real shelled corn in the buggy and wagons - Grandma approved!!

        We have survived the crash - when a sloppy tractor operator knocks a table over...

        Priorities guys, priorities. What will you have in the end that will withstand a crash?


          So there is a 50% Tarriff right? Meaning the price was 9.00 before? Hahahaha
          Sell sell sell.


            I like that story Burnt.

            No grand kids yet.

            All this rant today is to show that a few things are happening and some things just dont make a shit ton of sence.

            Why is a home in Phoenix or Florida way cheaper than Saskatchewan as a example.

            Plus the home down south has bigger yard etc.

            Land has dropped in the USA and some very large American Farms are gone or going gone. But it cant happen in Canada some say.

            Investors are investors they see a trend and make out very well on way up. Reminds me of the lady that bought I'm not sure but over 10 homes in East and north regina then sold two years later on up swing for triple money. today that price has dropped but not crazy dropped yet.

            I seen the housing boom then collapse in Phoenix as i had family living down their for 22 some odd years.

            Why will farming in Sask be no different. Just saying most things with Ag isn't adding up any more and when the two super powers of Ag get their shit together were not sitting in a stong position to take on.

            Challenge me on this tell me why it will continue to go up up up and up with no problem because the world needs food.

            ah heard that in the 80s.


              A reset in land prices won't look pretty to those who borrowed against inflated values. Let's all admit the bar has been raised but I would worry about it plateauing or coming down a bit. I think the neighbor landlordette lady better consider my offer! I would suffer huge buyer's remorse if she does but....

              The head sez yes but the gutt sez no!


                I've said it before the crash lots are begging for on here might happen yet. Sf3 for example constantly complains about land prices. If your not buying what do you care? Isn't it good for you if you want to sell off a couple quarters? I'd like to bitch that a new f150 lariat was 12 grand in 1980 and it's 75 thousand now.
                Farmers lol.....the only business people in the world that complain when their biggest asset goes up in value. Oh and I love the line....but but what about the guy trying to start out!? Answer to that is if your so concerned then what's stopping you from selling to that person for 40,000 a quarter. I hope land keeps going up because it's the only thing keeping people alive. Your equipment isn't worth **** all to be blunt. It's a terrible depreciating asset. Come to think of it I don't think Jimmy Pattinson and Gary redhead get together on the phone and say to each other....wait! What about the guy starting out! Better lower the price of that quad track to 25 grand.
                The only reason some guys want under valued land is to add to their base, cheap. I like a deal too but I want to get a good deal if I sell also.


                  Please include me in your tirade sk_wheat. ....I'm not "advocating" for a correction but can see it happening. I guess we shouldn't let land prices be a barrier to enrty when you can rent land, the most important asset, you would use in your career.

                  As I've said before...then you better have "something" to show for it at the end....otherwise all you've done is feather everyone else's nest! If you don't have the land...better have a pile of cash, a really nice house and maybe even a cottage at the lake or investments of some kind somewhere!

                  How much "value" do farmers put in land ownership? Ownership isn't necessary.


                    I started farming in 1992 bought land at 300 an acre now its going for 2200. I had a tough enough time paying for that. Have a son wanting to farm now and buy some land. I am worried about a downturn like we seen in the early eighties lots of good operators went under because of bad timing going into agriculture. Remember there is lots of money in agriculture just non for farmers. Most of the time you make an ok living and some years are fantastic but you only get about 3 of those in your lifetime of farming.


                      ok sk wheat king.

                      Explain the land drop in the 80s yes high interest rates but the price sky rocketed and their was no end in sight the USA and others stated to subsidize canada did shit all and interest went through the roof.

                      Boom implosion.

                      Gary sold half the business so he's out.

                      Jimmy is learning the car business and ag are two different kettles.

                      Now yes its awesome to sit and look at your value of land and think wow thats a nice number.

                      But where does buying at the price were reaching make any sence. Explain. Other than buy each year to keep what you have worth more. ITs a pyramid.

                      But lets look at world ag.

                      Canada isn't the end all be all. Other places produce way than us and when they get things figured out look out.

                      but explain why you see it keep going up.

                      I dont.


                        tubs i know what you mean when i got really winding up and going like a idiot on buying land was after the 80s before that i tried to buy and farmed with my dad. we had a good base so purchasing extra didn't really happen unless the perfect patch showed up. Then the last Christmas before the big crash and i almost almost bought 7 at the peak. Didn't and own now three of them plus a few others.

                        ITs like investing and selling canola some hit the top some wait and sell at the bottom.

                        Yes you only hit three maybe in a life time of excellence.

                        Im not advocating a collapse but study whats going on and some one please explain how why or not im wrong.

                        Its rather simple explain why it just has to go up with all the shit happening world wide in ag.

                        Remember we heard it before the world is running out of food.


                          ....you can't spend the money your land is worth unless you sell it or borrow against it!!!!! So unless your selling or borrowing against it, does it really matter what it's "worth"? But it sure does when you're buying it!


                            Land is yes a asset.

                            So if land drops like every time in Canadaina History since it was settled.

                            the 550 now should be at 300 and then slowly climb again.

                            The 300 now should be at 220 and climb.

                            The 160 now will drop to 75 and then climb.

                            Similar in 80s took almost 20 years because we lost lots of great farms in the 80s that make todays BTOS look like chump change.

                            Im not hoping for a crash but if i need one clear to buy in future doesn't matter if its 500 or 200.

                            If your selling and need a out awesome time to do it. Hell why not doesn't take a brain surgeon to realize its time.

                            But if your a hold and wait it just might be getting close.

                            Now if this all does implode borrowing will not happen like in past and maybe new ways of lending will come forth.

                            Just saying history does repeat.


                              I know sf3 land goes up and down in price. But why some people hope for a land crash is beyond me. It will go down or maybe go up or maybe stay the same. Who knows. I don't really care what land prices are right now I'm not buying or selling. I may be reading your responses the wrong way because things get lost in translation of emotions in print easily so excuse me if I'm wrong but you really get upset if someone posts something you don't agree with. I get it you want 50,000 a quarter land for various reasons. Just remember if land prices tank so will everything else. It's relativity. I'm sorry you can't accept friendly debate. I've been on your side on most issues anyway.


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