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Hypocrites on this site

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    So which board or producer group are you on Hamloc because it's really beyond embarrassing if you're actually a farmer and not to understand what's going on around as you put it the simplistic view of sink or swim.


      Originally posted by the big wheel View Post
      So which board or producer group are you on Hamloc because it's really beyond embarrassing if you're actually a farmer and not to understand what's going on around as you put it the simplistic view of sink or swim.
      First off certainly not on any board. Simplistic view of sink or swim? Let me turn it around then big wheel. What government program that exists today couldn't you live without? Personally I am undoubtably a fan of government crop research. I have to admit I would hate to see that disappear. I think it is prudent to study what crop varieties work for our climate. I am not in agristability, waste of money as far as I am concerned. With both cattle and grain my margins don't generally fluctuate enough to make it worthwhile. Agri-invest, I participate could I live without it, certainly. Marked fuel rebate, if the government would turf the carbon tax I would gladly give up the marked fuel rebate. As for subsidization of crop insurance, I take out crop insurance, if the subsidy ended it wouldn't rock my world, I would have to re-evaluate my participation. I certainly realize most countries in the world subsidize food production and perhaps we need that to compete. As I said Trudeau and Notley will make our job much less profitable but I still agree with Alberta5's outlook. I also appreciate the fact that European countries as an example are far more willing to support their farmers than Canadians but look at the federal government they can't even figure out how to properly pay their employees, what real salvation can you expect from such a group of incompetents. Do you really want them more involved in your farm?


        Originally posted by Klause View Post
        Ethanol and biodiesel are a pipe dream. Especially in today's input intensive agriculture you don't get anything out of it that you didn't put in...
        The point is since this green energy farce is being pushed on us we should try to benefit and use it to lower our grain supplies. Ethanol and biodiesel are ways of reducing our grain inventories and is helpful for futures prices.

        I think your argument is from an energy usage point of view and others are coming from a point of view to reduce inventories/increase demand for grain & oilseeds.


          Originally posted by furrowtickler View Post
          I wonder the same thing , would it not be a good fit into the green climate change agenda ? It’s like bio fuel in Canada has been swept under the rug , when the Liberals should be endorsing it .
          Not picking on you Furrow, just a general observation.

          The biofuel issue is just as hypocritical as the marketing issue. We expect governments to support/endorse/subsidize/mandate these fuels. Perhaps we are the ones who need to be taking this initiative. Currently, ethanol is selling for a significant discount to RBOB, and the world wants ethanol for emissions reduction. Ethanol doesn't need government support, it just needs investment. Economically, right now, it makes sense. Local ethanol plant is paying more for off grade wheat than elevators are, DDG's are sold out constantly. Why wait for the slothful pace of government incompetence to increase this market. If we can produce ethanol and biofuel cheaper than gasoline and diesel, then invest in that.

          As for the EROI(Energy Return On Investment) while logically, it must be positive, otherwise it couldn't possibly come out cheaper than RBOB( that is to say, it would cost more fuel to create it, than the final product is worth). But that doesn't mean that it is positive enough to make any sense, when EROI needs to be many multiples of breakeven in order for society to function. Even at 2 times, we are only spinning our wheels. But money talks louder than acronyms and ratio's.


            The whole point on Bio Fuel with Gov help is they are bringing in a Carbon tax that is just a Tax it will do shit all F#$K All and nothing at All to help save the planet.
            It is a bullshit scheme dreamt up by a Fairy dust princess that we have running this country and his henchmen.

            So why not actually get funding from that useless program and go balls to the wall with Ethanal and Bio Diesel and build this country.

            Offer Grants or Loans for start ups hell we can all produce Bio Diesel on our own farm.

            But as it sits now the Carbon tax will just fill a few with Solar and really not accomplish anything but make our costs higher.

            Your from alberta you should realize your not a booming province like you once were and Nut case has only been going for a few years. If we give Trudeau another term. Venezuela of the north here we come.


              Originally posted by Hamloc View Post
              First off certainly not on any board. Simplistic view of sink or swim? Let me turn it around then big wheel. What government program that exists today couldn't you live without? Personally I am undoubtably a fan of government crop research. I have to admit I would hate to see that disappear. I think it is prudent to study what crop varieties work for our climate. I am not in agristability, waste of money as far as I am concerned. With both cattle and grain my margins don't generally fluctuate enough to make it worthwhile. Agri-invest, I participate could I live without it, certainly. Marked fuel rebate, if the government would turf the carbon tax I would gladly give up the marked fuel rebate. As for subsidization of crop insurance, I take out crop insurance, if the subsidy ended it wouldn't rock my world, I would have to re-evaluate my participation. I certainly realize most countries in the world subsidize food production and perhaps we need that to compete. As I said Trudeau and Notley will make our job much less profitable but I still agree with Alberta5's outlook. I also appreciate the fact that European countries as an example are far more willing to support their farmers than Canadians but look at the federal government they can't even figure out how to properly pay their employees, what real salvation can you expect from such a group of incompetents. Do you really want them more involved in your farm?

              Very well said. +100.


                Lep we need more Gov for wheat research. Handing that over to the private created what we have now. USA varieties that can yield but have shit bread making characteristics.

                AG invest works if you use it like a worker in the city.

                Crop insurance subsidy just makes me laugh and laugh and laugh. IT was and is created to bring in dollars big dollars to the provincial coffers. Its a insurance dont ever think a insurance is a subsidy it was created for one purpose to bring in money to the provincial gov.

                Gars and all the others aren't their for the goodness of farmers its a insurance.

                We screwed up lots of things with ag and gave up lots and now the rest of the world that didn't follow our ways is catching up and actually beating us at our own game.

                How many seed royalties do you think the farmers in Argentina or Brazil or Russia give to Bayer and Monsanto.

                China builds them roads and railways to get product out we stop all progress because were so smart in Canada.

                Were failing and some can see its crashing but others think its full steam ahead.

                The iceberg is just ahead and most is below surface like the one the titanic hit.

                Were been handed our own end by countries that don't follow our bullshit every one else makes money except the farmer rules.


                  Originally posted by SASKFARMER3 View Post
                  The whole point on Bio Fuel with Gov help is they are bringing in a Carbon tax that is just a Tax it will do shit all F#$K All and nothing at All to help save the planet.
                  It is a bullshit scheme dreamt up by a Fairy dust princess that we have running this country and his henchmen.

                  So why not actually get funding from that useless program and go balls to the wall with Ethanal and Bio Diesel and build this country.

                  Offer Grants or Loans for start ups hell we can all produce Bio Diesel on our own farm.

                  But as it sits now the Carbon tax will just fill a few with Solar and really not accomplish anything but make our costs higher.

                  Your from alberta you should realize your not a booming province like you once were and Nut case has only been going for a few years. If we give Trudeau another term. Venezuela of the north here we come.
                  We are on the same page here. Get government out of our lives, no carbon tax making us uncompetitive, no government investment in ANY business, be it solar, or farms, or building airplanes.
                  Don't take the capital away from us in the first place, then they won't have to give it back to us so we can invest it in viable projects, such as biofuels. Leave it with those who are best able to invest it.
                  Nut case's time is almost up, there isn't a snowballs chance in **** that they will survive to do any more harm, Trudeau, unfortunately, will probably be given a mandate to keep on destroying our economic competitiveness.


                    Originally posted by danny W1M View Post
                    The United Nations, wouldn't be happy with Trudeau if he were to promote/legislate the use of biofuels in Canada, from grains stocks.

                    That would go completely against the "cheap food agenda" that the United Nations currently has in place.

                    Wouldn't be viewed favorably for Canada seeking a security council seat.

                    Besides, that would put power back in the hands of the west and corn farmers in central Canada.
                    The UN angle seems to be the only logical way to explain the illogical things that our current administration are doing to destroy our economy.


                      From what I understand about the biofuels is the price of oil is too low currently. When oil was over $100 they said they still needed a large percentage heated/off grade to make bodiesel at even a breakeven now oil is half that price.

                      Agree that government could mandate a higher percentage biofuels content like the US has and could financially support that industry more as they are other green initiatives.


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