Rwt common sense like this only entices more cut and paste by the sheeple.
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Must read for any farmer questioning climate change
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For Centuries people like this existed in cultures around the world. The world is ending the sky is falling follow my bullshit and you will live a healthy life. Blah Blah Blah.
Oh a meteor was suppose to hit last week. nope it didn't.
When Al Gore was born 130 glaciers and today 130 glaciers.
Its all bullshit the climate continues to change.
But try to tell a Climate barbie type that wow your brain feels sore after that discussion.
Guess what the sun will rise the sun will set spring will arrive around may 1, the wet season will be june and july will be hot, August could have cool nights or be down right awesome the change begins in Sept and October is who knows then finally Nov comes and it usually snows with Cool transition to winter days then winter is here days get shorter nights get longer and guess what we repeat again with similar results next year again.
WTF are we missing.
Snow in Mountains guess what rivers are running hard most of the year snow shitty for skiing or sledding in Mountains less river water flow.
Dah what are we missing.
The story of Lake Chad in Africa is a good example of the difference between water vapour and CO2.
You can have all the CO2 in the air you want and it changes nothing.
It is statistically insignificant.
You take water vapour out the equation and Lake Chad disappears.
Water vapour in all its different forms is the life saver on this planet.
Although I have heard they get too much of it in east central Sask sometimes. heh
Originally posted by shtferbrains View PostIf you wanted to manipulate data:
THE MOST studied climate in the world, but no definitive answers;
California is suggested to be in an unprecedented wet cycle
Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View PostNow, don't go confusing matters, we all know that before 1950, the climate everywhere was exactly as it supposed to be, and had been stable in that utopian state since the beginning of time. It only started changing since then, and all changes are by definition bad.
the reason they didn't go save the rain forest is because the farmers would of shot them
Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View PostNow, don't go confusing matters, we all know that before 1950, the climate everywhere was exactly as it supposed to be, and had been stable in that utopian state since the beginning of time. It only started changing since then, and all changes are by definition bad.
You can't be serious. If you are serious, please get lost, you are beyond repair. Did you every hear of the dirty thirties?
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