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Record cheap electricity is transforming world energy markets as Canada struggles to

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    Where are Canadian dairy and poultry numbers again ???? Hmmm.


      From your cut and paste Charlie:

      The competition watchdog noted that ageing coal assets leaving the system were not being replaced by sufficient new capacity.

      It said 5,000 MW of generation capacity had left the national electricity market in the last five years. An additional 2,000 MW had come on stream, with 92% of that renewable generation – leaving a net decline in capacity of more than 3000 MW.

      Prior to 2016–17, all regions in the national electricity market had a surplus of electricity generation capacity, but the supply/demand balance had shifted because of reduction in generation capacity, with old coal plants leaving the system, and an uptick in demand.

      Looks like supply and demand.

      Denmark was the green energy pioneer with their wind turbines. Where is that getting them.

      If solar can be produced for 1.5 cents why haven't we seen a lineup of investors ready to pony up for incentive-free facilities here?

      Mainstream doesn't need government money if it's that easy.


        Guess what really irks most australian is we are the worlds BIGGEST energy exporter meaning gas coal and uranium all processed overseas for power generation but due to enviornmental contraints we cant do it here.

        Surely a blend of green and fossil fuels is possible but it seems not.

        Chuck not quite sure as im no expert but coal fired plants getting shut down everywere we have none in SA so we have to import our electricty from next state/province they charge us what they like and why wouldnt they, we need electricty like everybody,got us over a barrel.

        Believe majority of gas and coal goes to china and most of uranium to europe france in nparticular


          Originally posted by malleefarmer View Post
          Guess what really irks most australian is we are the worlds BIGGEST energy exporter meaning gas coal and uranium all processed overseas for power generation but due to enviornmental contraints we cant do it here.

          Surely a blend of green and fossil fuels is possible but it seems not.

          Chuck not quite sure as im no expert but coal fired plants getting shut down everywere we have none in SA so we have to import our electricty from next state/province they charge us what they like and why wouldnt they, we need electricty like everybody,got us over a barrel.

          Believe majority of gas and coal goes to china and most of uranium to europe france in nparticular
          It seems like you also live in an unregulated near monopoly situation where power companies can charge what they want. In Saskatchewan where I live we have many of same resources as Australia. We have a State owned electrical generator. We pay about 12 cents per Kwh on farms.

          We also have the Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel
          That advises the Government of Saskatchewan on rate applications proposed by SaskEnergy, SaskPower and the SGI Auto Fund. The Panel reviews each application and provides an independent public report stating its opinion about the fairness and reasonableness of the rate change, while balancing the interests of the customer, the Crown corporation and the public.

          The system works very well in Saskatchewan.


            So the answer is really simple, build your own power if its that cheap. and don't pay xmission and infrastrucutre.


              Originally posted by tweety View Post
              So the answer is really simple, build your own power if its that cheap. and don't pay xmission and infrastrucutre.
              Which is exactly what's happening with some users here in Ontario, especially industrial scale users. Especially attractive if the plant is on a NG line. Some who are can now produce their electricity at or below the net retail cost. And they have the extra benefit of heating their buildings with hot water from the genset. So it's win-win for them.

              Can't blame them since their monthly electricity bill increases are shocking, if you'll pardon the expression.

              Guess what - that makes the rest of the grid-dependent users pay even more since the fixed production cost in distributed over a shrinking base load.

              Yes indeed , the Liberals with their FUBAR ideology have started us into an irreversible tailspin.

              But keep on adding more wind farms so we can export electricity to the US at a loss of billions of dollars.



                Once again Burnt, the answer to being not one of "us" is build your own.

                Is that feasible where your rates are high and getting higher?


                  Another successful example of green power.


                  Gee, it only took 5 years to increase the farm electrical cost from $200,000/yr to $500,000/yr.

                  So now it's back to diesel.

                  And believe it or not, one of the Green Party state governments in Australia actually blew up a coal power plant so that if (when) they lost the next election, it could not be restarted to supply cheap power.

                  But don't tell Nightmare Notley about this, she might do it also.


                    And now a word from green power in Germany after 15 years of hard work..

                    German media FINALLY gets it.


                    Meanwhile back at the colder than hell farms and ranches in Canada, it's still full speed ahead.

                    Aren't there any gubmints in Canada that learn from the long experience of others around the world?

                    Or is the wacko Pembina Institute all they know?


                      I repeat "the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission said in the above article that "green schemes" were only responsible for 7% of the cost of electricity in Australia. The biggest cost they say is "lack of competition and substantial levels of vertical integration between generation and retailing".

                      Still trying to lay all the blame on green energy aren't you? Even when the Australian independent Competition and Consumer Commission said the cause of high electrical rates is primarily the lack of competition!


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