Thanx Tweety
From your data
2014 Vehicles exported $66B and imported $77B - net loss of $10 bil
2016 Vehicles exported $85B and imported $89B - net loss $4B
2014 Oil etc exported $142B and imported $52 - net gain $90B.
2016 Oil etc exported $82B and imported $33B - net gain $50B.
Ontario and Quebec have ALL the vehicle production.
The West has almost all of the oil production.
Ask yourself, what asshats would want to throw sand in the gears of the oil industry when it contributes net to the country like that?
And why should Quebec be getting ANY money thru equalization from western Canada oil industry salaries when they despise the oil industry and block it every chance they get?
From your data
2014 Vehicles exported $66B and imported $77B - net loss of $10 bil
2016 Vehicles exported $85B and imported $89B - net loss $4B
2014 Oil etc exported $142B and imported $52 - net gain $90B.
2016 Oil etc exported $82B and imported $33B - net gain $50B.
Ontario and Quebec have ALL the vehicle production.
The West has almost all of the oil production.
Ask yourself, what asshats would want to throw sand in the gears of the oil industry when it contributes net to the country like that?
And why should Quebec be getting ANY money thru equalization from western Canada oil industry salaries when they despise the oil industry and block it every chance they get?