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Originally posted by shtferbrains View PostHe didn't get re-elected did he?
That was one of the reasons.
Originally posted by SASKFARMER3 View PostAgree he didn’t win and never should of ran. Just retire and get out.
But boy wonder is in charge and he is a shit for Brains who’s destroying this country
Not so quick with your deflections. This thread is full of claims that Trudeau shouldn't be telling other countries how to run theirs, shouldn't be attempting to hold them to Canadian standards, or raise human rights issues with China.
I say damn straight they should - it's a part of international politics. Harper did it, as did his predecessors, and rightly so. Being an international statesman is not about caving to any standard to get the deal - never has been, and never will be.
So choose your side - you are either with Trudeau and Harper who choose to hold the Chinese Gov's feet to the fire for their very poor human rights standards or you are against both of them, preferring a "deal" at any cost. You don't get to rewrite history by saying Trudeau did and Harper didn't because that is patently untrue.
He went there looking for a trade deal.
But he must have somehow believed that they might consider him so important that they would change a program that will take 550 million people from poverty to middle class.
Harper had a holier than thou attitude to the Chinese.
Does Mr Trudeau actually believe he will get anyone to sign a trade deal that highlights his "inclusive" clause?
It' bilingualism all over again only 100 times worse.
- there a difference between hearing it from a Yuppy or a Diplomat?
Respect is reciprocal.
Keep the comments for behind closed door meetings....not in the world's public eye....
What do you expect?
very confusing , thought you all hated communists,
and you wanted a leader to stand up to them.
i guess not,
and stranger still . sf3 has just noticed we have a transportation problem in this country,
years of Harper costing us billions in losses in getting our product to market.
but it is all Trudeau's fault now.
not that i think Trudeau will be a great help in that department.
but it is pretty insane.
what is this world coming to.
US Republicans are in bed with the Russians,
Canadian conservatives are in bed with the Chinese.
wow this is like a reverse universe.
whatever happened to the good old days ,when conservatives called the NDP horrible Communists
for medicare and unemployment insurance , and old age pension
......and in this country the pendulum has swung so far it didn't come back....but instead it came around in the same long before its spinning out of control?
.....or is it already?
All this bullshit special interest group shit is dividing us not uniting us.
WTF is normal anymore?
the theory is that is that NAFTA.
is the big one.
and in the end it will all get signed up.
too much at stake for too many big companies for it not to happen.
then china will fall into place.
trump may not make it that long anyway.
old pretty boy may get more pipe lines than Harper ever did in the long run.
transportation, not expecting much, but after Harper we are used to that.
i wonder if any political party in Canada , has the guts or balls to fix it.
you know what conservatives will do , already nothing as proven.
liberals , well we can hope, that someone in there has vision enough.
to do something.
the NDP, i do not know where they are at.. probably sidetracked some where .
and they are far from power anyway.
maybe in another thread , but when sf3 goes off on Trudeau over transportation'.
does he have Trump minion blinders on,,,
how far off the deep end do you have to be to dump this mess on Trudeau.
while costing me 100-200 thou. and Sf3 750-1 mil ? Harper eventually imposed a 50
thou. fine on the railroads he never collected,
and what did that do to fix things SFA
and sf3 will keep voting for that
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