.....anyone see the story and video?
How do I know if this bear isn't an old bear at the end of it's long life? Piece video, an interview and an opinion together and you have a "story". Not pleasant to look at and neither is a mangey coyote freezing and starving to death in the winter. How many deer suffered near starvation in long cold winters with way too much snow? Propaganda and guilt trips can be powerful tools.
But to say I don't care if temperatures rise is just stupid given I make a living growing crops in a temperate climate of an area considered to be semi arid.....warmer temps with an increase in growing season precipitation? No guarantees. 2015 and 2017 were not "fun" years farming here. Input costs are too high to not care if rain is inadequate.
I have a hard time believing man hasn't left more of a footprint than he cares to admit. Vehicle outside temp reading in Regina can be a degree or two warmer than in the rural. Now what's happening on the eastern half of the continent? She's lit up like a Christmas tree...year round.
To me there would be essential use of energy and wasteful use of energy. ......"lifestyle" waste. I find the whole thing very hypocritical!
I hope no one starves to death driving junior to the artificial ice rink in the heat of July with an air conditioned gas guzzling SUV!
Maybe "Dr" Suzuki can charter a flight to the Arctic to hand feed the bear in the video.
The economy at any cost.....even if the environment has to pay? Hockey in the desert? I'm sure you can think of afew absurd concepts yourself.
How do I know if this bear isn't an old bear at the end of it's long life? Piece video, an interview and an opinion together and you have a "story". Not pleasant to look at and neither is a mangey coyote freezing and starving to death in the winter. How many deer suffered near starvation in long cold winters with way too much snow? Propaganda and guilt trips can be powerful tools.
But to say I don't care if temperatures rise is just stupid given I make a living growing crops in a temperate climate of an area considered to be semi arid.....warmer temps with an increase in growing season precipitation? No guarantees. 2015 and 2017 were not "fun" years farming here. Input costs are too high to not care if rain is inadequate.
I have a hard time believing man hasn't left more of a footprint than he cares to admit. Vehicle outside temp reading in Regina can be a degree or two warmer than in the rural. Now what's happening on the eastern half of the continent? She's lit up like a Christmas tree...year round.
To me there would be essential use of energy and wasteful use of energy. ......"lifestyle" waste. I find the whole thing very hypocritical!
I hope no one starves to death driving junior to the artificial ice rink in the heat of July with an air conditioned gas guzzling SUV!
Maybe "Dr" Suzuki can charter a flight to the Arctic to hand feed the bear in the video.
The economy at any cost.....even if the environment has to pay? Hockey in the desert? I'm sure you can think of afew absurd concepts yourself.