any insights on the canola market ? is this just seasonal ? or did we miss the boat , again ?
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Soybeans have lost about 50 cents/bu of-late as the South American weather premium is gradually leaking out of the market.
China and crush canola demand has slowed of-late, technical selling and trade now expecting large crop year end carryout.
Need fresh bullish weather from South America in Jan/Feb, if not, more downside possible later in crop year (IMO).
If the assholes actually come to market for it instead of making specials so you can't capitalize on basis contracts and rolling futures then that might work.
Specials also **** up your paper hedges. Also would be nice if we didn't tell all the companies what we are willing to sell for in targets.
So if too much manipulation is present, then might have to ride it out till summer. IMO.
Sorry if my feelings came across....
Originally posted by bucket View PostMaybe I should spend 50 cents for a piece of paper to lower my returns furthur.....
If I had to seed into the soil conditions we had last fall....there wouldn't be a snowball's chance in hell I could get a canola crop established! And those conditions really haven't improved much!!!!!!!!!!!
But I suffer from backyarditis! Anyone else in the ZONE care to comment?
Noticed a lot of the canola bags in this area are starting to get pecked open by the ravens yesterday. Might lose a bit there...
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