It’s a big step to retire. My wife decided to a few years ago the first month we almost killed each other then she went back to work out of the health district part time gave her something to do at 50years old. She now works 4 days a week and totally enjoys it.
Young children who want to farm and others who don’t and what one wants from their retirement. If you think you need a 3000sq ft home in the city to retire you will piss away a mill real fast and remember a cleaning service for that home and driveway service and lawn service isn’t cheap as you get to old to do those things.
And why would one need a home like that for retirement when their farm home was probably half that size.
Personally I would get a condo where your kids will be living. Lock and go away for months on end and heated garage etc. Just saying lots to think about.
Your money will have lots of advisors now. Every thing* from credit unions to Trust companies to RBC private banking.
Pick wisely.
Then their is health issues. You get mid 50s and every thing changes. One health scare to either partner and your retirement years could end. We know two couples who won’t be going South any more and are selling and moving to Vancouver island and Kelowna because of medical costs. Both are heart related.
Plus you still need to do things or you will get sick.
Ah like my son says high school was a breeze compared to SIAS or UofS and they don’t prepaid you for it. Well all the retirement courses etc help but once your committed it’s a whole different world.
Young children who want to farm and others who don’t and what one wants from their retirement. If you think you need a 3000sq ft home in the city to retire you will piss away a mill real fast and remember a cleaning service for that home and driveway service and lawn service isn’t cheap as you get to old to do those things.
And why would one need a home like that for retirement when their farm home was probably half that size.
Personally I would get a condo where your kids will be living. Lock and go away for months on end and heated garage etc. Just saying lots to think about.
Your money will have lots of advisors now. Every thing* from credit unions to Trust companies to RBC private banking.
Pick wisely.
Then their is health issues. You get mid 50s and every thing changes. One health scare to either partner and your retirement years could end. We know two couples who won’t be going South any more and are selling and moving to Vancouver island and Kelowna because of medical costs. Both are heart related.
Plus you still need to do things or you will get sick.
Ah like my son says high school was a breeze compared to SIAS or UofS and they don’t prepaid you for it. Well all the retirement courses etc help but once your committed it’s a whole different world.