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Ontario Signs the APF/CAISP a Go

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    Ontario Signs the APF/CAISP a Go

    See today that Ontario has signed the Agricultural Policy Framework. Also noticed that CAISP has been given the green light.

    Don't know if anyone from Ontario is tuned in but would be interesting to see the politics. Did Ontario get the changes they wanted?

    Is this Van Clief's last act as an federal ag. minister?

    The below is the link for anyone who wants to see the announcement.



      Charlie we didn't get all the changes we wanted but I think everyone decided that the changes that were offered were liveable.


        How come some of the provinces don't or didn't want to sign on to this program?
        Is it really that bad or are the various ag ministers playing politics again?
        As far as I am concerned we should do away with all governm,ent support programs just like they did in New Zealand. They are still farming down there and they don't have nearly the hassels exporting anywhere in the world.


          gmj as I understand it, Vanclief presented the program they wanted and, to try to give the air of openness, said he'd consult with farm groups to give them a chance to suggest changes. He was counting on the farm groups not being able to agree, but the program as presented was such a bureaucratic mess that the farm groups managed to hammer out a list of suggestions that would have been much more producer-friendly and cost about the same. The gov't promplty showed how much their consultation meant by ignoring the recommendations and going with more or less the original program.


            I hate to speak on behalf of all of Saskatchewan here, but I suspect it was too beneficial for us and we can't stand the extra income. It is a burden to be from a once had province and we must be very careful not to upset our transfer payments from the other players in this federal system. LOL


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